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Messages - break19

Pages: [1]
yes, no matter the timelapse speed, the geoscape is simply paused..

Did I not explain the issue well enough? Did I not include enough information?

I'm at a loss here.  This issue is extremely aggravating, and, as yet, I've seen no information on a work around, or a cause, or even a "Sorry, we're looking into it."

I understand this is a free game, and as such, the devs are probably doing it in their spare time, but an acknowledgement of the issue, or even a "works for me and these are my specs" would be nice.


Whenever I launch an aircraft, either my dropship, or an interceptor, the geoscape seems to pause for a variable amount of time, from a second or two, up to 30 seconds or more.

I can still pan/zoom and interact with various items on the geoscape, but the time just refuses to start.  Eventually, it starts, and the game progresses as normal.

This issue is in the nightly of win32 2.5-dev, downloaded on 5 November 2013, but is also in the ufoai-stable-win32.exe download, from 12 Oct 2013.

Attached is the console logfile.

My specs are as follows:
AMD Phenom II x2 3.1Ghz
850+ GB free HDD space
Radeon 6670 2GB w/  Catalyst 13.9

For the record, 2.4-stable did not have this issue, but did have the known bug of freezing when UFO and an interceptor of the same speeds were "together" on the geoscape.

FAQ / Re: research: how it works ?
« on: July 31, 2008, 06:00:39 am »
OSX version 2.2.1

I only get that problem if I transfer scientists from one base to another. Upon transferring, it appears those scientists arent removed from the original base.

Work around, hire the scientists at the specific base they will be working at.
edit: for example, base 1 has 2 labs, I hire 20 scientists, base 2 has 2 labs, I select base 2, then hire 20 scientists. I never transfer personnel... only items.  Personnel transfers appear to be a bit buggy still.


Feature Requests / Re: Item duplication on transfer bug
« on: July 26, 2008, 03:32:12 am »
<- never played -ANY- of the XCOMs... does that make me a bad person? lol


Feature Requests / Re: Radar and Satellites
« on: July 26, 2008, 02:54:11 am »
I actually like that idea, and it gives the feeling of "reality" to it, which increases enjoyment for many people, myself included.

speaking of reality, once when I lost my favorite soldier, I was so pissed. he got fragged by a plasma grenade that bounced from 3feet away to right next to him, even wearing nano armor, and 120+ health. he died instantly.. the first words I said, "Nooo! now your gonna pay you alien ^%$@^%$#!@" Felt like I'd just watched someone kill my brother or somethin. lol.

After I mopped up, I felt a little better, but sad that Julio was no more :(


FAQ / Re: research: how it works ?
« on: July 25, 2008, 01:30:14 pm »
I believe this is a known bug - *hint - move this thread, maybe?*.

If you have ten eggheads working in a lab in one base, then you need another lab *on the same base* to do more research.  Make sense so far?  Now, the first ten lab spaces count as "occupied' on ALL bases.  It basically means, that rather than distribute your research, make one base (HQ will do fine) as a dedicated research facility - 3 labs is planty.  Personally, i try to move production to my base #2.

Hope this helps!

This is how I do MY research: Multiple Bases, multiple labs, once my 2nd+ base is operational, transfer some needed research materials to it and begin researching stuff there. I just choose, fairly randomly, which techs to research at which base, concurrently, etc. works great for me.


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