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Messages - cyllan

Pages: [1] 2
Tactics / Re: *SPOILERS* Weapon Analysis
« on: February 21, 2012, 05:38:46 am »

i always use machine guns, on the top a riot shotgun/sniper rifle, medikit , and 3 grenades and extra secundary clip for back up armor....... grenade launcher is far to short.... and marines are really crappy using any kind of grenades.    for me is long distance machine gun all the way, you get 5 full auto shots which will kill everything at medium close range...... the problem is a couple of shots back from any alien and your soldier is dead..... so  like in real life  give them a far away target and ambush...... their plasma grenades are brutal, problem is too unrealiable to use yourself......

i downloaded the 2.4 version, it looks a lot better , there are acouple of things, the graphics are really nice, but all the soldiers look shining white /silver, like too much light on them, i tried playing with the graphic options, anything more than shader1.3 gives me a  black planet geoscape... i dont get it i have  the lastest nvidia gtx 570 with win 7 64,  it is weird because all the static graphics are very detailed and nice, also in geoscape if you press the radar button ( to show extended range of radar ) most of the map gets too shiny and white.

i also get red boxes in the ground combat screen.....

Windows / Re: 2.4 vs 2.3.1
« on: July 01, 2011, 11:57:09 am »

i downloaded the 2.4 version, it looks a lot better , there are acouple of things, the graphics are really nice, but all the soldiers look shining white /silver, like too much light on them, i tried playing with the graphic options, anything more than shader1.3 gives me a  black planet geoscape... i dont get it i have  the lastest nvidia gtx 570 with win 7 64,  it is weird because all the static graphics are very detailed and nice, also in geoscape if you press the radar button ( to show extended range of radar ) most of the map gets too shiny and white.

i also get red boxes in the ground combat screen.....

Discussion / no radar/ aircraft radar range circle?
« on: June 30, 2011, 08:36:38 am »

i am playing in very hard but there are no circles telling me of radar range , either on base or ships? is this normal?


i researched the latest transporter ( still only 8 seats....)  acceleation pistols. etc, but the aliens to research is only like half of it , and i didnt get  the particle rifles,  after 2 years and 400 ufos, i wonder what happened, i had nothing to research......

thank god the alien base didnt have that horrible robot which was impossible to destroy......., must be a new change.....

« on: June 27, 2011, 09:29:01 am »

Oki Doki!

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:24:02 am »

maybe but if you are clever you can draw out all aliens of the ship and only deal with the last 1-2 inside, positioning your marines in an exact place you will have you  50% of the time with free pot shots inside the alien ship , the other 50%  you go in with heavy lasers, i personally dont like the coil gun, you cant wear 2 weapons with it, the ammo is too bulky and i like everyone with medikits and back up grenades just in case

Tactics / experience?
« on: June 26, 2011, 09:23:16 pm »

i pulled the console command, it looks you only gain experience in some kinds of mission(which ones?), not in the crashed ufos where you kill the rest of them, i dont use autoresolve

also stats dont increase much , specially health, and after loads of misions

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: June 26, 2011, 09:04:24 pm »

i only use machine guns and heavy lasers,  the rest doesnt  really work, maybe rocket launchers some times, i never use grenade launcher, it has no range and the machine gun at medium distance will massacre bunches of aliens 

« on: June 25, 2011, 07:51:02 pm »

Well you might not want to offend, however i have worked with 100 south Africans  (whites) in the UK, before they closed the visas to them and english written grammar is definitely not  a "forte", understandable perhaps being second language etc, and probably much better spoken English that many other countries, but taking me to case because of capitalization or whatever is called seem absurd, i am not a kid, i am not a writer and there is nothing wrong  with my writing, i never said i was Shakespeare, and my point is not being taking seriously because of several possible reasons.

1- the devs dont think seriously they can "make" a professional AAA,or  A+ product, maybe lack of specialized skills, i dont know.....

2- they are too busy paying the mortgage  and dont have the funds to do it.

3- they dont want to take the big financial risk in a recession

4-they dont have the time, since they all have full time jobs

5- they havent really seriously considered it.

all valid reasons, none of them  got nothing to do with my grammar, just life

has actually any dev raised the question to the others seriously? what was the reaction? any plans, business proposals, funding requirements estimated, etc?

Windows / Re: no weapons sound on win-64
« on: June 25, 2011, 07:25:50 pm »
creative x-fi , not the fatality version, but the hi-fi one, a good card i think, but is 3 years old

Windows / no weapons sound on win-64
« on: June 25, 2011, 02:09:27 pm »

i get a horrible cracking noise instead of weapons noise , i run win 64 with a creative labs soundcard, which is  the newer generation, , i get no problems on other games/movies, i think there is a program that makes games compatible with vista and win 7- re sound , i cant remember the name

« on: June 25, 2011, 02:01:26 pm »

well... xenonauts is being done here in england , by digital distribution only, to be honest i was thinking of the devs doing a whole new game, from scratch,  the xenonauts team is very small,  and  they decided to make a commercial project 1.5 years  ago, i am just surprised you devs spent so much time and effort on a game that gets you 0 profit, if you guys are from south africa, (i remember the rand being 20 to 1pound)  you could make a lot of rands , but anyway no one has  really replied from the devs side, i suggest you all sit down and consider it....

however the graphics would have to be better, the quake engine is just too old.

agree or dont agree.... dont really care but i know how life is in south africa, electric fences on the houses!!!!!!!!!!!, oh man.....  is mental!!!!!,  i would think you devs like money....

oh yeah , about this game only be spread by word of mouth, that is total BS,  the numebr one magazine in US and UK is big on indy games, there was a 1 page spread on xenonauts,  thats is the reason i bought it on preorder.

« on: June 20, 2011, 08:29:40 pm »

Well you guys should be surprised, ( i am ) i have been playing this game non stop for 2 weeks, i played all earlier versions, but not like this, which got me thinking.............

without trying to mess with the "ethos" of  free software,  i was thinking long and hard......

i just paid $30 for a preorder of xenonauts.

similar game, probably not better graphics, only 120 megs of data.........

these days ANYONE IN THE WESTERN WORLD  can pay $30(xenonauts preorder fee),   half of Europe is on benefits, and if not.....

daddy can i have 25 quid for a new pair of shoes?!!!! ;D.

i just wonder really, 30-40 dollars is a days work (after tax),  

all the work the devs of this game are doing is for free, and  a big thanks for the fun game they keep doing .

however  the capitalistic pig in me keeps wondering..... you guys have the skills.... you guys have the talent...... you guys have the maths and physics......

why not capitalize on this ? make a commercial game  and get money from it!!!!!!!

I WOULD BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i said this on many mods forums.... most people make megabytes/gigabytes of data, and get fuck all for it.

we are in an economic crisis my ass!!!!!!!!!!,  people get drunk, smoke, is on benefits and take drugs......  sure......... families are struggling, but $30-40  is 1 days work..

 not a new tv/car......

and this isnt like buying a dvd or a music album, so the producers and "artists" can "break it down" and  enjoy the babes and the bling, this would go towards giving you a better living


I dont know the complexities of the project, it would need a new engine/graphics/animation...... not a small thing.......

but you would get your money the very least.

i am not a programer/dev.... but i really think you could make money out of this and make an astounding game that people would buy.....

i am not going to repeat this, i dont want to injure any feelings,  i just think  you should make a buck or two out of this, and that means my money and other peoples money.

people are wasting money, billions of it, on petrol/drinking/cigs/ and shoes ( i do!) ...... money is all around, you should have your share, you have  earnt it......

justice should be served...

enough  said.

Jose Garcia.

ps. im gonna go back and play a bit more...... i am actually subscribed to eve online........ and i only log in to  train my skills.... lol

Discussion / Re: changing number of off-base installations/ mods
« on: June 20, 2011, 07:55:41 pm »

i am asuming  not a change notepad value and save......

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