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Messages - Czert

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FAQ / Re: how to assign workers to buld items ?
« on: July 04, 2011, 08:26:05 pm »
but why it write that I have idle workers despite having some ordered items to production ?

another one - when you eqiping planes, then posibility to change base directly from that scree, now if you want to reeqip more planes from diferent bases, you must eqip planes, quit, changfe base, eqip planes and again and again.

for transfers - implementing two way transfer - from/to will save a lot of clicks/moves if you want move stuff xxx from base a to base b and from base b stuff yyy to base a.

for soldiers - they will KEEP (on/off as you wish) thier equipment after they are deselcted from plane
               - automaticaly deselect wounded (on/off) soldiers from base (and you can select severenity - light (and worse), medium (and w.),only  heavy).

i dont see issue with research screen - it will be precisly that one that you have now with research in multiple bases, just much easier acesable.

FAQ / how to assign workers to buld items ?
« on: July 04, 2011, 02:27:42 pm »
I looked everywhere, but cant find it.
Yes, i find mauifacturing scree with asigning items to manufature, but novhere find place where to asigh workers to work on items. And yes,I was sucesfull at research.

and another - if posible - add (auto) update to game.

add tactical map to cmbat - it is very missing here. Very nice of nerly perfect tactical combat is JA2. Aiming body parts is nice bonus.

1. direct acess to research screen from main page will be nice, it will save time and clicks to find t curent way, and if posible, eqiping soldiers directly from main base will be nice too.

2. training facility/tactical room - call it how do you like, but effect will be very simple - soldiers get exps/stats slowly over time, even if not on mssions (say at 1/10 rate as on mission).

3. allow moving on more soldiers at once - selecting and  moving multiple troops via drag and move will be very nice bonus.

Feature Requests / Re: TOTAL CONVERSION
« on: September 04, 2007, 03:50:39 pm »
If you have original JA2 you can try this page - - here you can find many new mods for this game, including 1.13 which is sometimes called modding platform.

Design / Skills Proposal
« on: August 12, 2007, 02:00:42 pm »
for combat oriented skills I have ideas:
-mele combat (new) - use of hands, knifes, matrial arts
-light guns - pistols, revolvers, SMGs
-medium guns - assault rifles, underslug grenade launchers, shotguns, light/medium magineguns
-heavy guns - mortars, grenade launchers, bazookas, heyvy machine guns
sniper skills - sniper weapons

and new - medicals skills to replace planed removing of medics - use of medicits and abbility to heal wounds.

Feature Requests / Feature Request: More non-lethal weapons
« on: August 12, 2007, 01:44:46 pm »
Quote from: "BTAxis"
It's not that they aren't available, it's just that they're ineffective. The aliens don't all have the same physiology, so you can't use an allround tranquilizer on them all. Plus, we already decided we would not include a toxigun equivalent into the game.

But if they invade earth with no EVA suits (used by astrounauts in space) or something simmiar, then thy must come from enviroment simmiliar conditions (oxygene level...etc - breathable atmosphere). Yes, they can come from different G-planet, but this affect only body-building, metabolism...etc ,but  not breathing.

Then - if use breating stun gas( e.q. CS-gas), then must KO (or combat-incapable) aliens too - yes, at different efficency,and if use most efficint (most powerfull)- then allins must be KO or killed. Comparing to earth living cretures - if you use tranquilelizer dart to KO elephant and use same on smaller animals - they are KO too, or worse - in koma or killed.  No one surrive intact.
And can I see reason  why are toxiguns not  incuded in game ?

Feature Requests / TOTAL CONVERSION
« on: August 12, 2007, 01:16:18 pm »
improving weapons throught research sounds..interesing, but is waym to modifi weapons via sniperscopes, bipods and others ?
If not - how difficult will be this to code ? IMHO from thic can benefit booth - origial game and JA mod.

Discussion / Missing roadmap
« on: August 12, 2007, 01:10:57 pm »
Yes, I know - here is todo sections, but someone cam lost in "techspeak"
I missing something simmiliar to roadmap of OpenTTD (only new features) .
- e.q. in 2.2. - bascicaly implemented ufo intereception and ufo recovery
                   - new 2 weapons
            2.3. - new units - pilost
                   - fully implemented ufo intereception and ufo recovery

Feature Requests / TOTAL CONVERSION
« on: August 05, 2007, 08:24:23 pm »
Hmmm, it sounds VERY interesing, but "magic" of JA is with MANY of weapons and conversation/options/missions with NPCs.
How this can be handled with current engine ?

Feature Requests / Idea: Hospitals and Medikits
« on: July 25, 2007, 11:26:30 pm »
Mayby two types of wounds will be needed - lights woundhealed with medicit and heavy wound temporali bypased by medkits, bud needing healing in hospitals.

Feature Requests / camoflage influence for AI
« on: July 25, 2007, 11:22:37 pm »
Yes, but only if you choice right cammo. Urban cammo is bad in woods and vive versa.
Anyone remeber effcets of masked soldiers in JA2 ?

Feature Requests / special training and others
« on: April 06, 2007, 04:45:18 pm »
for soldiers - something like to training in ufo " aftermatch - special trainining not only increase stats in certain areas, but add special ability too.
Double clicking -if I in soldier equpment screen double click on equpment in soldiers hold, then clicked equpment is auto-unequied (moved back to storage).
Auto-equiping - I can set wanted eqipment e.q 1 weapon, 2 mags, 2 grenades, 1 flasbang, 1 medikit.
increse inventory size of backpack (with 1 "title" to side and down), belt ( make it symetrical, mayby with 2x2 on sides), and posibly add shoudler/leg small inventory (similiar to old UFO:EU). Is imposible to have one big weapon (sniper rifle, rocket launcher) good amount of ammo, secondary weapon and medikit.
For medicks - it will be nice if icon for is comon used medical staff sign - staff wit snake around it.
And for field medick bandage with red cross on white dot.

Tactical missions :
add run mode - soldier will travel longer distance at same TU consumption, but will be easier to spot. Similiar stealth(slow) mode working vice versa.
Alow in mission saving, but limit it to e.q only 3 times per mission (and aotusavin at each mission start to dedicated slot will be nice too.

Feature Requests / Medals, heroes and others
« on: March 24, 2007, 05:10:39 pm »
Mattn : I see not problem, if stairs have cca 1/2 of size of 1 room, then we will need only draw stairs in second floor, nothing more (ithers rooms are separated by wall). And if we use only lifts, then we completly avoid this problem (more rendering).

neomunk: I think combats in multi-leveled base will be less chaotical than combat in mines and smaller than in ships missions in TFTD.  :wink:
And if computer is no so powerfull ? Then lover details/resolution or base.  :lol:  Mayby some  optimization in game code can help (and always is way to improve it). But I not sayng code is slow or bad.

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