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Messages - Bartleby

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Translating / Re: German Translation on The Alien Strategy done
« on: February 12, 2010, 07:31:05 am »
i am sry if i changed things in done files that are wrong now.
aber sachen wie die groß- und kleinschreibung der anrede (sie) sind ein wildes chaos durch die bank weg. wenn ich paar kommas falsch gesetzt habe (alte rechtschreibung) täte mir das auch leid, dennoch denke ich, dass nebensätze werden weiterhin getrennt werden. und auch solltet ihr euch einigen, ob z.b. hinter "mit freundlichen grüßen" ein komma oder nix (meine meinung) gehört..... und überhaupt: im englischen ist da zwar oft ein semikolon, aber das heißt nicht, das man das übernehmen muß, oder? hat das irgendwelche programmiertechnischen bedeutungen? denn irgendwie kenne ich wenige deutsche sätze, die ein semikolon einsetzen. ellenlange sätze mit zig nebensätzen und starker verschachtelung hab ich glaube ich auch verändert. aber nur nen paar.
oder sind seiten mit "done" wirklich in stein gemeißelt?
nebenbei: wieviele kommandanten gibt es den nun bei PHALANX?

ps: zum bildschirmphoto von der hauptseite, unterthema "Call for translators and screenshot.", heißt das eine schiff wirklich "sammler"? ist das ne übersetzung von transporter? hab leider bis heute das spiel nicht gespielt, weil ich eigenlich auf das neue interface warten wollte. hoffe ich bring hier nix durcheinander :(.

Translating / Re: German Translation on The Alien Strategy done
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:38:09 pm »
hm.. hab auch mal was verändert. rein sprachlich.

frage mich aber grad: heißt der "Kommandant Navarre"? habe ich als spieler eine doppelspitze mit ihm und mir als chefs der anlage?

Discussion / Re: UFO: Female Invasion?
« on: January 27, 2010, 06:00:34 pm »
u could make it like this:
- all odd new persons are 75% male
- even persons are 75% female

so every 2nd person has a good chance to be not the same gender as the one before.

Artwork / Re: New models
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:07:49 pm »
maybe a nice icon for the phalanx base.
the spire in the middle looks a bit like its from the alien base.
the antennas are good, but maybe make the tower.. whats the word? square? (like one of the world trade center was. or like an airport-tower) and the highest tower not in middle like alien base.
EDIT: well... i guess it will look completly different with textures.. anyhow. great works again =).

One thing that concerns me is how soldiers could get experience just for being on a mission even if they hide in the back of the dropship the whole time.
a) briefing, flight and the stress of a possible fight ARE a difference compared to sitting in a base.....
b) dont make things too complicated (in that case i would always move every soldier a bit... i like the idea that they get some but not much experience (but i would never shoot 100 times a wall.... ammo is expensive ^^)).

Artwork / Re: New models
« on: January 09, 2010, 09:34:18 pm »
When I don't get a answer then I stop again for a wile.
noooo - ure works are all great and so much work left. cant wait to see more.
normally they bring all ure models into the game as soon as posted here. so maybe they are just busy atm.

Artwork / Re: Animations
« on: January 03, 2010, 08:56:59 am »
still i dont know why i think its a bit too big. maybe because older weapons were smaller or more gracile.
hm.. sry. i mean "old" weapons like old in 25 years ago and not the old model. also on pictures above i thaught the weapons might be minimal too big. scale 0.97 possible?

but ure right with the huge guns in-game. atm they are also huge =).

Artwork / Re: Model vertical scale a bit off (why?)
« on: January 03, 2010, 08:47:48 am »
ure models are quite asthenic. especially the thighs are not really muscular (see picture). though not sure if u can change that in this phase. sry.

the position would also look much better with the standing angled and not as narrow (see feet of old model. looks a bit "cooler" not as a rookie).

anyway. i like all ure work and always like to visit this part of the forum. great artworks here =).

btw.: why is the green selection in ufo ai not round. is that difficult to code?

Artwork / Re: Animations
« on: January 02, 2010, 02:45:14 pm »
with the swat positions u are right. hm... havent thought about that.
EDIT:  ...And by the way, I've actually already fixed the "ready" pose and plan to tweak it a little more anyways, but I was really more concerned with the scale of the weapon model, if I got it right.
compared to this picture the weaponsize looks right:
still i dont know why i think its a bit too big. maybe because older weapons were smaller or more gracile.

Artwork / Re: Animations
« on: January 02, 2010, 12:27:55 pm »
Here's a "ready" pose (standing but alert and prepared to shoot or move to go after an alien) with the assault rifle - did I get the scale of the weapon right?
hm... i would hold the weapon a bit more to the ground like in the "low ready position".

and if the soldier shoots an other position is needed.

anyway: great progress.

happy new year ^^.

Artwork / Re: Could we use something like this?
« on: December 19, 2009, 10:45:58 am »
hope this will go into game. looks great =).

er... why not? ok.. other name: "back to the real future" or "star fights ix". thought would be enough to modify them a bit. enough that ppl know what u mean ;). like in a humorous spot on tv.

havent time to search and watch ure examples atm, but its always funny to take known movie posters and modify them....... a poster from "back to the future", "star wars ix" or something like that might be an idea.
.... i would like to see a poster of sam & max - THE MOVIE :).... or monkey island....

not movie:
-warnings because of ozone, the sun, water, hurricans or something like that with articles of newspapers right beside that say something about an alien invasion or conspiracy theorys about the existance of aliens.
- er... or even an advertisement about ghost busters... ok... thats maybe a bit too heavy :P.

Discussion / Re: Release early, release often
« on: December 08, 2009, 07:36:11 pm »
my favorite movie says: a good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow..... but, freegamer, the team from ufo ai do all for free and i guess they dont like plans as much as a company. and until now i dont know how many active coders ufo ai has.

they already said, that they know that they did maybe a fail when it was decided to make less releases. nevertheless, i think they do quite well :).

i loke option 2 =).

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