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Messages - CheeseshireCat

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Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Not quite a bug, but...
« on: January 07, 2011, 09:24:04 pm »
I can't, the bugtracker site doesn't work for me.

Would make more sense. At the very least, to get a less damaged fighter if it heads for your base :)
Now if damage to the craft caused some injuries/whatever to the crew... I mean... A fighter gets blown out of the skies and crashes in pieces, and you get five perfectly healthy aliens? :) I seem to recall UFO have them damaged or sometimes even killed by a crash.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Not quite a bug, but...
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:55:57 pm »
... white font on snow is next to invisible, and most certainly unreadable. Maybe it's worth it making an option and binding some key to quickly switch between HUD colors?

... at least, if it already started...

Nope. The scrolling option is available only on the largest (full-screen) messagelist size.

Edit: here are a few screenshots where such a bug didn't happen. Notice the transparency of the messagelist, including a top line, its size and position. When this bug happens, unless I mouseover or expand messagelist, I can't see the current status message at all, and the "top line" on screenshot (that is covered by the window title bar) is blacked out.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Bug: autostand move
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:57:47 pm »
Autostand routinely miscalculates the move required, resulting in the soldier not able to crouch down again. I'll try to figure out what's wrong, I suspect it "thinks" it needs less TUs for some actions (ortho move, diagonal move or stand/crouch) than it really does, but not sure yet.

Also... Dunno if it's in any way related. When I start in windowed mode, I have, in about 2/3 of cases, window messed up in either a way that top of the should-be-visible area (including notification bar) hidden under the window title bar, or the bottom of the should-be-visible area cut off (not too noticeable on geoscape, but very much in combat mode).

Edit: attached the screenshot. The white square is another bug, related to trying to handle a medkit, though I didn't quite figure out how and why it happened, either due to r-click, being short on TUs to put it down, or something like that.

Edit2: the black area on top is where the window title is. F12 doesn't capture it...

Edit3: Gah. And forgot to mention. On the geoscape screendshot, notice what the latest notice is? UFO flying towards interceptor. The screenshot itself clearly shows it already being down -- and the relevant message is not visible.

Just in case... Here's the log of the following actions: game start (in windowed mode), loading savegame, switching to fullscreen which brings me to *main* menu, loading savegame, switching to windowed (main menu again), exiting.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Electromagnetic rifle (sniper shot)
« on: January 06, 2011, 03:11:40 pm »
I just thought of a way to check for sure if it is just visual or not.
On some city map, forgot which, village commercial IIRC, there's a two-story building with glass wall panels on both floors on one side that usually holds 2-3 aliens. Can check there, if it would hit the glass then the alien.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Electromagnetic rifle (sniper shot)
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:10:54 am »
Maybe just a visual? I often notice two trails from the regular sniper rifle on a miss. Or is it indeed blasting thrice (i.e., first one downing an alien, two next going through further)?

What the title says.

I had an ortnok armed by two pistols panic and drop one, run away some, next turn panic and drop the other pistol, then run away some more... Then I converged onto him to stun, after dealing with a few other aliens and losing LoS to the spots he dropped guns at, and they weren't there anymore. Neither they were at his body after stunning him. I even went as far as scouring all the spots I had downed other aliens at, and accounting for all the stuff there before killing off the final one in the ship, and these two pistols have indeed just vanished, and they were not among the loot salvaged from the battlefield afterwards, either.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Bug/screw up -- medkits
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:04:10 am »
Or, even make medkits able to heal up only 1/2 of the long-term damage during combat (again, wearing off after).

Also... Why not make medkits usable on yourself? I mean, if you're still conscious... Make it cost 30TUs if anything...

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Bug - cover
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:01:28 am »
And another part of the same. Even knee-high cover completely protects from explosions. Tested by standing an unarmored soldier near a grass fence and dropping grenades (hand, from launcher, and plasma) in the adjacent spot on the other side of the fence. Not a single scratch. And the soldier wasn't even crouched.

... which doesn't exactly make any sense. It isn't like you need to poke someone twice to inflict twice the shock power. Not to mention that the rod has only four charges at all, and isn't rechargeable, so it isn't sensible balance-wise, either. We ain't hand-cranking it after all ;)

I did, and already asked -- *where* is console log stored? I couldn't find it in UFOAI install folder, nor in user/savegame folder.

It works the same way on two machines I tried, which have nothing in common. One is Acer Aspire One netbook with WinXP Home Russian, Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz CPU, 1GB RAM and onboard Intel Mobile 945 video card, whether running at 1024x600 (built-in screen) or 1280x1024 (external monitor). Another is Core2Duo with 2GB RAM and NVidia GeForce 7600 under XP Pro English, so it seems totally irrelevant to the system.

I could also attach a savegame, but that'd be just *any* savegame, because it is irrelevant to the game situation, either :P You switch between fullscreen/windowed, you get booted to the main menu afterwards, losing your game. Simple as pie.

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