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Messages - CheeseshireCat

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Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Scout description bug?
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:37:58 pm »
The UFOPedia entry states that a scout is both unarmed and unable to land normally.
Is that correct? I had UFOs turning out to be scouts down my crafts, as well as had missions of a "Landed UFO" type where the thing in question was a scout...

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Camera behavior in battlescape
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:20:30 pm »
No, I mean the kind of jumping to the corners of the battlefields or something... Often, behind or to the sides of any action... Like, my guys being, say, around C3, D4, E2 on the chessboard, aliens being, say, around G6, and camera hopping to low H row... On *aliens* turn (not civilians).

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Base attack soldiers placement
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:16:46 pm »
Oh, and another point... Is the point making it most difficult possible? Well, why not start off the very first mission with aliens having best equipment and best armor? :)

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Base attack soldiers placement
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:14:49 pm »
First, I think you miss the point. A bug is when something does not work as intended. If it works as intended, even if you don't like the way it was intended to work, it's not a bug.

Ahem. If someone's missing anything here, it's not me. Repeat. Bug. By. Design. Is. Still. A. Bug.

Second, how do you think your suggestion would improve the game? As I see it, it would only make base attacks easier, make base attacks more repetitive (always encountering them from the same place), and reduce the risks associated with a base attack.

Well, for one, it would make the base defense mission less idiotic.
Second, it would make it less frustrating. (I.e., you won't have to spend half an hour just to get to action).
Three, it would make it that easy only against dumb as doorknob lightly armed aliens. Against a wave of even 4-5, sniper towers would do little but attract fire.

Now, ask the same question about the current state. How does it *improve* the game? Well, drop the "how" from there first.

1) It doesn't make base attacks any more difficult (Right now, all you need is just stand guard behind a corner with a flamethrower, is all).
2) It makes base attacks even more repetitive (you still do it from the same place, the entrance, the only difference is just *getting there*).

If you want a suggestion how to improve it... Unlock the access points. As of now, aliens can get in only via the large hangar (one-way) and the entrance. There are at least three other building types which [should] have surface entrances, even if locked.

And repeat: as of now, base attacks are as repetitive as they could be. With legwork attached... It's THE most tedious (not hard) mission. (Second place is Big City, for the similar reason).

Again, tedious != hard nor difficult.

Feature Requests / Re: soldier camouflage: change in a single action
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:06:22 pm »
Before the visibility system gets implemented, the equipment system should get reworked to make it *way* easier to handle... Also, the "recon/intel" system, notifying the player of mission conditions, too...

Feature Requests / "RF" goggles use
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:03:49 pm »
Can kind of a "reaction fire" goggles use be implemented, please? As in, a soldier "burns" those 12 AP now, but the goggles get activated not right away, but before the enemies start moving. That, or, retain goggles activation until the start of next turn, not end of current.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Camera behavior in battlescape
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:01:39 pm »
Did anyone else experience camera hopping around like a flea on aliens' turn? I often have it jump places for no reason, much less obvious one, across the whole battlescape.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Base attack soldiers placement
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:59:45 pm »
Bug by design *is* still a bug.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Base attack soldiers placement
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:16:24 pm »
First, to make it clear. Yes, I saw all the arguments regarding to soldier placements. They aren't worth <censored>. THIS *IS* A *MAJOR* BUG.

Come on, you have a couple hours advance warning of an UFO approaching the base, and all the soldiers are in their bunks (or even Hell knows where)? Not at their battle stations?

I just had a mission where my soldiers were split into two groups of four, one group being FIVE(!) full-move turns away from the entrance, another being NINE full-move turns away. Oh, and that's on a base where I have barracks right next to the entrance just to try and prevent exactly that sort of idiocy. If anything, the spawn spots on base map should get changed to place soldiers at the entrance, and aliens having to approach it from afar (likely, over the easily defensible terrain, like those 5 turns of move against sniper towers -- though with the messed up cover being more effective against the unit hiding in cover than one shooting at it, that won't work, either).

As is, it is more like us assaulting an alien-occupied base...

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Aimed Shot doesnt hit
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:30:54 pm »
In my experience, an aimed shot hits way more often than a snap shot. But a snap shot from kneeling position is about 3-4 times more accurate than an aimed shot from standing position. (I am not talking displayed chance to hit but actual hits from long distance here.)
Also, a question -- does aimed shot become less accurate at short range? (I'd expect it to, actually, IRL.)

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Crash to geoscape in an Eastern park map
« on: January 24, 2011, 08:20:03 pm »
I don't recall what the map name is, again, nor could provide a console log (the console window closed at this error, the program doesn't take screenshots of console activated by tilde, the log file doesn't have any records of that at all, must hev been truncated or something) but here are the screenshots with a summary of what happened. There was an alien (I think last one) at point A. I brought one soldier with assault rifle to the gate (G), shot him, moved aside, then another, shot, moved aside. Then brought a grenade launcher guy to point B and shot a grenade over the wall. And right after it exploded, I got booted to geoscape, prior to the mission, only the craft was hovering idly over the mission marker.

The console brought up by ` had the following three lines (from my memory, couldn't take a screenshot, thought it *was* taken, not knowing that "screenshot" key doesn't work in the console, so didn't bother noting down):

(Soldier name) kills alien (alien name) with blah blah blah (first alien)
(Soldier name) kills alien (alien name) with blah blah blah (second alien)
Then something about missing actor from team 7 or something.

I did not have a LOS at the alien at the moment.

Hey, I don't mean it being weak, just that releasing a double charge takes twice the TUs :)

Feature Requests / Re: some proposals
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:59:22 pm »
Nice idea which close to my proposition, if soldier feel that he is target and bullets whistling around him it should fluent on his moral
Yeah, but since it just was said they don't wanna have it affect moral, I offered another way to implement the suppression.

Feature Requests / Re: some proposals
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:06:59 pm »
On point five. I actually got pretty frustrated by uselessness of suppressive fire. What about detracting (temporarily, like on their next turn) from accuracy and/or APs of characters (both human and alien) for each shot being fired at/near them? That way, say, a full auto burst, would make sense not only to kill someone off at point blank, but also from afar, just to make them less combat efficient.

Offtopic / Re: Upcoming movie
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:32:42 pm »
I wonder... Given this...

If there are folks good at scripting, something of this kind could be pretty low-budget, but would definitely draw attention ;)

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