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Topics - Thrashard96

Pages: 1 [2]
Offtopic / Everything is connected about aliens
« on: August 04, 2010, 03:04:59 pm »
We (me and my friend) were talking about aliens yesterday and noticed something strange: every alien related game is similar to each other, that means, that the government is hiding the truth from us and releasing every 1/50 of information to a random game somehow just to "laugh" and think that they don't exist... That means, the game area 51 and ufo: alien invasion are quite similar, and if you read the wiki and watched documentary shows about aliens, the games talk the same, top secret is released in tiny bits, like weapons. In area 51 there is a meson canon, right? It is invented as a weapon, but nobody knows that it exists... So everything, actually is similar, but hidden, until you compare two stories, which have the same info about each other...

This error somehow appears when i build my 1st base. It then doesn't go to that base, but stays in the geoscape and asks for building it, and so on, and so on... I've built 10 bases, but when i press save, it writes: Could not save, because there is nothing to save (it means i didn't even build a base, but i have 10 of them).

Newbie Coding / How to download the source and compile it?
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:07:53 pm »
Hello. I want to compile but how to do it? I'm not advanced enough at this part so please take your time and explain me step-by-step what to do.

Please answer these questions in your posts if you can:
1. How to download the developer version?
2. Is going to manually (through internet explorer) is easier than the other way with some software?
3. If no, then what software is it?

I will ask more if i won't know something else.

User modifications / Rocket launcher secondary ammo
« on: July 22, 2010, 06:49:05 pm »
Hi, i was wondering how to add secondary ammo for rocket launcher, but how to do it? I made the rpg_ammo2 and firemodes for rpg2 from the grenade laucher... Anyone knows what is wrong?

Sounds and Music / Who are the artists of the music specified?
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:34:45 pm »
1.David (1-5) .ogg

Discussion / Renamed nation makes errors
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:43:03 am »
Hello, i have renamed Russia (i hate it!) to Lithuania and when i enter the battlefield i get back to the geoscape mode... The error is that the game can't find team "lithuania", i don't get it!

Discussion / Crazy shooting mod
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:26:19 am »
Ok, i have modified the assault rifle to have ~3000 shots and made a firemode "Empty-rounds" which shoots until it stops. Of course, now i'm shooting 3000 shots and i will use it as a reaction fire for enemies. But this is crazy! I shot 3000 shots for a really long time... This is crazy!!!!!!!

Discussion / Warning: New idea!!!
« on: July 18, 2010, 05:35:56 pm »
Since this is the open-source game, why shouldn't we code the cheats as a mod for this game? The mod would be made with a bit of security or joke text, like at the end of the mission in the window would be text "Cheater" instead of "mission success"... ;D So what is the deal with cheats as a mod which would be a cheaters-only code ;D ? Of course, like the cheaters will begin to hate the text cheater, maybe they will play fair (a bit optimistic, huh)?

Discussion / I want more bases and installations, but how to do it?
« on: July 18, 2010, 03:12:04 pm »
Ok, so let's say i have reached the limit of employees, bases and installations (i have, actually), but i want more! So i plan to raise that limit to let's say X bases, Y installations and Z employees (mostly researchers). So how can i mess with those numbers?

Feature Requests / New feature ideas
« on: July 09, 2010, 11:37:54 am »
First - hello. This is my first post in this forum.

A first new idea is the cloaking tech, which would be invented in landed alien aircraft. Then the PHALANX would do the research (i know they like to, BTW) to invent the modded laser - aa51 (including anti-cloak) turrets. After that, they would make aircraft themselves, also, with the same cloak (invisibility to others, if anyone didn't know). It wouldn't be in tactical mode, but it is only for the geoscape battles, so that you would have any pros or cons versus alien aircraft.

The second idea is what some people want - implementing cheats, because they can't stand losing... But i know that it is a bad idea, because you want to make a cheatless game, so then i want to REPORT a cheating gap - using other software (but i won't write what, because some players might cheat, of course, except developers and the Mattn, i will write you) get credits in the game...

And the last thing is to update the tutorials, because they're out of date.

Developers write pm, who aren't - i won't write back! (I will ask Mattn who is and who isn't.)

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