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Topics - lfloden

Pages: 1 [2]
Offtopic / Terragen 2
« on: December 16, 2006, 04:51:10 pm »
For those of you that ever messed around with Terragen and know how cool it was, Terragen 2 was released yesterday. While it is a bit of a system hog the things you can do with it are amazing. Go to to find out more.

Mapping / Bridge01 map
« on: December 15, 2006, 03:09:38 am »
Won't compile, does the d.bsp file then crashes ufo2map.

Discussion / Storage
« on: December 01, 2006, 02:19:33 am »
Is the storage going to be fixed?

What I am talking about is when you go to equip your guys and only 5 of the kevlar jackets are on the dropship. Basically half your equipment currently goes to the dropship, the other half goes to the intercepter. The stuff with the intercepter basically is a waste of money since you can't do anything with it. Isn't that was the storage room is for? Everything should be available from it. Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong.

Feature Requests / 2.1 Dunholm(?) crash
« on: November 30, 2006, 05:00:01 am »
Playing the latest build of 2.1 I got to the end of March when alien activity was reported in Dunholm. First, is that off the east coast of South America near the Falklands? Second, when it started to load the mission it came up with a bunch of numbers on the screen and then crashed. Is there a log somewhere that shows what happened just before the crash?

Sounds and Music / Sound in 2.1
« on: November 28, 2006, 05:24:04 am »
Does anyone have sound in the 2.1 builds? In the 2.0, the sound and music are great, but the 2.1 builds I get nothing. Plus when I try to change from sdl to dx or wapi the game crashes. I'm assuming that it just hasn't been put into the 2.1 builds yet since there is so much other stuff going on, sound isn't that important, it's more of a clean up thing.

Coding / Problem compiling
« on: November 15, 2006, 04:55:23 am »
I'm getting these errors when trying to compile the latest file.

../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xa60):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_get_io_ptr'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xaf1):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_check_sig'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xb4c):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_create_read_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xb8c):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_create_info_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xbb0):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_destroy_read_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xbe7):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_create_info_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xc0a):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_destroy_read_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xc50):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_set_read_fn'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xc72):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_read_png'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xc84):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_get_rows'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xdf3):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_destroy_read_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xe36):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_create_write_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xe5b):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_create_info_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xe77):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_destroy_write_struct'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xe9a):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_init_io'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xee2):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_set_IHDR'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xef5):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_set_compression_level'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xf08):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_set_compression_mem_level'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xf1a):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_write_info'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xf7d):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_write_image'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xf8f):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_write_end'
../../src/ref_gl/gl_image.o(.text+0xfa1):gl_image.c: undefined reference to `png_destroy_write_struct'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

dllwrap.exe: c++ exited with status 1
make.exe: *** [../../ref_gl.dll] Error 1

Execution terminated

From what it looks like, a bunch of variables are not set.

Feature Requests / Bug on map or in code?
« on: November 15, 2006, 04:41:34 am »
I was playing the latest build of 2.1 with out the openal stuff and on the bristol map on level 1 one of my guy fired a grenade in reactionary fire at an alien. Just when there should have been an explosion, the game froze and then crashed. How do I find the log or record the log of what happened?

In the mean time, I'll see if it happens again.

Feature Requests / Compiling 2.1 errors
« on: November 14, 2006, 05:19:25 am »
Anyone else getting compiling errors lately on 2.1? I was able to compile it last week and play it, no sound, but still awesome.

But this week I sync'd up the lastest updates and tried to compile it again it and it keeps giving me errors.

In Visual Studio Express I get this

1>------ Build started: Project: ufo, Configuration: Debug Alpha Win32 ------
1>cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/QA21164'
1>cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/QAieee1'
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>Generating Code...
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>.\client\cl_campaign.c(26) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'zlib.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>c:\ufoai\build\projects\client\../ports/win32/qal_win.h(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'al.h': No such file or directory
1>Generating Code...
1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\UFOAI\build\projects\DebugAxp\BuildLog.htm"
1>ufo - 34 error(s), 2 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

This is after fixing the path problem.

And is DEV-C++ after compiling snd_openal.c opens and this is the log:

Compiler: Default compiler
Building Makefile: "C:\UFOAI\build\projects\"
Executing  make clean
rm -f ../../src/ports/win32/cd_win.o ../../src/client/cl_actor.o ../../src/client/cl_basemanagement.o ../../src/client/cl_campaign.o ../../src/client/cl_fx.o ../../src/client/cl_input.o ../../src/client/cl_le.o ../../src/client/cl_main.o ../../src/client/cl_menu.o ../../src/client/cl_parse.o ../../src/client/cl_particle.o ../../src/client/cl_research.o ../../src/client/cl_scrn.o ../../src/client/cl_sequence.o ../../src/client/cl_team.o ../../src/client/cl_ufopedia.o ../../src/client/cl_view.o ../../src/qcommon/cmd.o ../../src/qcommon/cmodel.o ../../src/qcommon/common.o ../../src/ports/win32/conproc.o ../../src/client/console.o ../../src/qcommon/ioapi.o ../../src/qcommon/cvar.o ../../src/qcommon/files.o ../../src/ports/win32/in_win.o ../../src/client/keys.o ../../src/qcommon/md4.o ../../src/qcommon/net_chan.o ../../src/ports/win32/net_wins.o ../../src/game/q_shared.o ../../src/ports/win32/q_shwin.o ../../src/qcommon/scripts.o ../../src/client/snd_ref.o ../../src/client/snd_mem.o ../../src/client/snd_mix.o ../../src/server/sv_ccmds.o ../../src/server/sv_game.o ../../src/server/sv_init.o ../../src/server/sv_main.o ../../src/server/sv_send.o ../../src/server/sv_user.o ../../src/server/sv_world.o ../../src/ports/win32/sys_win.o ../../src/ports/win32/vid_dll.o ../../src/client/x86.o ../../src/client/cl_shader.o ../../src/client/cl_market.o ../../src/client/cl_aircraft.o ../../src/client/cl_map.o ../../src/client/cl_produce.o ../../src/client/cl_popup.o ../../src/client/cl_ufo.o ../../src/client/cl_radar.o ../../src/client/cl_employee.o ../../src/qcommon/unzip.o ../../src/client/cl_hospital.o ../../src/client/snd_openal.o ../../src/client/qal.o ../../src/ports/win32/qal_win.o ufo_private.res ../../ufo.exe

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/ports/win32/cd_win.c -o ../../src/ports/win32/cd_win.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_actor.c -o ../../src/client/cl_actor.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_basemanagement.c -o ../../src/client/cl_basemanagement.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_campaign.c -o ../../src/client/cl_campaign.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_fx.c -o ../../src/client/cl_fx.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_input.c -o ../../src/client/cl_input.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_le.c -o ../../src/client/cl_le.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_main.c -o ../../src/client/cl_main.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_menu.c -o ../../src/client/cl_menu.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_parse.c -o ../../src/client/cl_parse.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_particle.c -o ../../src/client/cl_particle.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_research.c -o ../../src/client/cl_research.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_scrn.c -o ../../src/client/cl_scrn.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_sequence.c -o ../../src/client/cl_sequence.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_team.c -o ../../src/client/cl_team.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_ufopedia.c -o ../../src/client/cl_ufopedia.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_view.c -o ../../src/client/cl_view.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/cmd.c -o ../../src/qcommon/cmd.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/cmodel.c -o ../../src/qcommon/cmodel.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/common.c -o ../../src/qcommon/common.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/ports/win32/conproc.c -o ../../src/ports/win32/conproc.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/console.c -o ../../src/client/console.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/ioapi.c -o ../../src/qcommon/ioapi.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/cvar.c -o ../../src/qcommon/cvar.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/files.c -o ../../src/qcommon/files.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/ports/win32/in_win.c -o ../../src/ports/win32/in_win.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/keys.c -o ../../src/client/keys.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/md4.c -o ../../src/qcommon/md4.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/net_chan.c -o ../../src/qcommon/net_chan.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/ports/win32/net_wins.c -o ../../src/ports/win32/net_wins.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/game/q_shared.c -o ../../src/game/q_shared.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/ports/win32/q_shwin.c -o ../../src/ports/win32/q_shwin.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/scripts.c -o ../../src/qcommon/scripts.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/snd_ref.c -o ../../src/client/snd_ref.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/snd_mem.c -o ../../src/client/snd_mem.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/snd_mix.c -o ../../src/client/snd_mix.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/server/sv_ccmds.c -o ../../src/server/sv_ccmds.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/server/sv_game.c -o ../../src/server/sv_game.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/server/sv_init.c -o ../../src/server/sv_init.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/server/sv_main.c -o ../../src/server/sv_main.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/server/sv_send.c -o ../../src/server/sv_send.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/server/sv_user.c -o ../../src/server/sv_user.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/server/sv_world.c -o ../../src/server/sv_world.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/ports/win32/sys_win.c -o ../../src/ports/win32/sys_win.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/ports/win32/vid_dll.c -o ../../src/ports/win32/vid_dll.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/x86.c -o ../../src/client/x86.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_shader.c -o ../../src/client/cl_shader.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_market.c -o ../../src/client/cl_market.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_aircraft.c -o ../../src/client/cl_aircraft.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_map.c -o ../../src/client/cl_map.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_produce.c -o ../../src/client/cl_produce.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_popup.c -o ../../src/client/cl_popup.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_ufo.c -o ../../src/client/cl_ufo.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_radar.c -o ../../src/client/cl_radar.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_employee.c -o ../../src/client/cl_employee.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/qcommon/unzip.c -o ../../src/qcommon/unzip.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/cl_hospital.c -o ../../src/client/cl_hospital.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

gcc.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c ../../src/client/snd_openal.c -o ../../src/client/snd_openal.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"  -I"C:/Programming/SDL-1.2.11/include"  -D__GNUWIN32__  -D_M_IX86=500  -Wall  -DDEBUG  -DDEVCPP  -DC_ONLY  -DUSE_SDL -DSHADERS -DHAVE_GETTEXT   -fexceptions -g3

../../src/client/snd_openal.c:30: error: syntax error before "alFormatBuffer"
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:30: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `alFormatBuffer'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:30: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:31: error: syntax error before "alFreqBuffer"
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:31: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `alFreqBuffer'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:31: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:39: error: syntax error before "oalState"
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:39: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `oalState'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:39: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
../../src/client/snd_openal.c: In function `SND_OAL_Init':
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:50: error: `openal_active' undeclared (first use in this function)
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:50: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:50: error: for each function it appears in.)

../../src/client/snd_openal.c:55: error: request for member `device' in something not a structure or union
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:55: warning: implicit declaration of function `qalcOpenDevice'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:55: error: `ALubyte' undeclared (first use in this function)
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:55: error: syntax error before ')' token
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:55: error: syntax error before ')' token
../../src/client/snd_openal.c: At top level:
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:60: error: syntax error before string constant
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:60: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `Com_Printf'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:60: error: conflicting types for 'Com_Printf'
../../src/client/../qcommon/qcommon.h:227: error: previous declaration of 'Com_Printf' was here
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:60: error: conflicting types for 'Com_Printf'
../../src/client/../qcommon/qcommon.h:227: error: previous declaration of 'Com_Printf' was here

../../src/client/snd_openal.c:60: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:61: error: syntax error before string constant
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:62: error: syntax error before string constant
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:63: error: syntax error before string constant
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:64: error: syntax error before string constant
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:72: error: syntax error before '.' token
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:72: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `qalcMakeContextCurrent'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:72: warning: data definition has no type or storage class

../../src/client/snd_openal.c:74: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `qalGetError'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:74: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:76: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `snd_openal_device'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:76: error: conflicting types for 'snd_openal_device'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:42: error: previous declaration of 'snd_openal_device' was here
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:76: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:76: error: initializer element is not constant
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:76: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:77: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `snd_openal_volume'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:77: error: conflicting types for 'snd_openal_volume'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:41: error: previous declaration of 'snd_openal_volume' was here

../../src/client/snd_openal.c:77: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:77: error: initializer element is not constant
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:77: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:79: error: syntax error before "return"
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:86: error: syntax error before "ALboolean"
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:95: error: syntax error before "ALboolean"
../../src/client/snd_openal.c: In function `SND_OAL_LoadSound':
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:130: warning: implicit declaration of function `qalSourcef'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:130: error: `AL_PITCH' undeclared (first use in this function)
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:132: error: `AL_GAIN' undeclared (first use in this function)
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:134: warning: implicit declaration of function `qalSourcei'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:134: error: `AL_LOOPING' undeclared (first use in this function)
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:134: error: `AL_TRUE' undeclared (first use in this function)
../../src/client/snd_openal.c: In function `SND_OAL_PlaySound':
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:173: warning: implicit declaration of function `qalSourcePlay'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c: In function `SND_OAL_StopSound':
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:181: warning: implicit declaration of function `qalSourceStop'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c: In function `SND_OAL_DestroySound':
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:189: warning: implicit declaration of function `qalDeleteSources'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:190: warning: implicit declaration of function `qalDeleteBuffers'
../../src/client/snd_openal.c: At top level:
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:29: warning: 'alBuffer' defined but not used
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:32: warning: 'alBufferLen' defined but not used
../../src/client/snd_openal.c:36: warning: 'alNumChannels' defined but not used

make.exe: *** [../../src/client/snd_openal.o] Error 1

Execution terminated

Now, let me introduce myself. I'm a beginner programmer. I've taken a few classes in college, so I know a little, but not enough. I played the original long ago and loved it. Since finding this site, I've played RC5 and enjoyed every minute of it, even if it wasn't complete. 2.1 is even better and can't wait for the actual RC of it, since I can't seem to get it right.


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