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Messages - Azrael0480

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: make_UfoAI_win32 (all in one win32 build script)
« on: August 05, 2013, 04:54:09 pm »
Hi, i tried to compile the source today and got Error 51 and Error 2 during ufomodel. Logs are attached.

Thx in advance,


Windows / Re: make_UfoAI_win32 (all in one win32 build script)
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:32:48 am »
Today i gave it another try and it's working again.  :)

Windows / Re: make_UfoAI_win32 (all in one win32 build script)
« on: May 29, 2013, 10:02:10 pm »
Hi, i have a problem with the build script. The last time i used the script (22 April 2013) everything was fine. Now the building process of the PK3 files stops with a Window with the title "Error 56" and a text :"Error 2 during pk3 compression". Do you have any idea whats wrong now?

The log and ini files are attached.

Thx in advance,


Windows / Re: make_UfoAI_win32 (all in one win32 build script)
« on: November 20, 2012, 08:24:25 am »
Hi, i use the master branch (see attached ini) to build the game.  ::)  The source files are freshly updated with TourtoiseGIT. If i use the GIT option in "make_UfoAI_win32.exe" it won't build.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Laser weapons research buggy
« on: November 19, 2012, 03:53:51 pm »
Thx, so I just need some actualized tech tree documentation.  ???

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Laser weapons research buggy
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:32:46 am »
Hi, after researching the continuous wave laser tech i can't research the laser weapons (pistol, rifle, heavy, ammo) anymore. Aerial laser cannon and the base defense laser is still available. Has the tech tree changed? Are there more requirements for those weapons?

I'm playing with the lastest version (build by "make_UfoAI_win32.exe"  [ufoai-2.5-dev-1353269441]). I encountered this problem already last week and started a new game today to verify it, and it still persists.

System: Win 7, 64 bit.

Windows / Re: make_UfoAI_win32 (all in one win32 build script)
« on: November 19, 2012, 09:37:57 am »
Hi, just a stupid question. Is it normal that the map hashes in my local "map_last_build.md5" are always different from the ones found at ""? So it seems useless for me to choose the download option for the maps, as it always downloads all maps even when there are no changes. Or depend those hashes on the environment where the game is build?

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Equipment disapears
« on: November 05, 2012, 05:20:16 pm »
Hi, i tried to reproduce it.
I equiped a squad and changed the armor and equipment from inactive to active squad members.
Then I took some sceens of the items I own, went on a mission. After winning the mission I looked at the buy/sell screen and saw that I lost 8 grenades (used only one in the mission), 5 medikits (used 2 in the mission), one grenade launcher + PA ammo was missing (owner wasn't even a active squad member and waiting "at home"), 2 IR goggles missing, 2 Plasma grenades missing..

Two squad members were killed during the mission, but i thought that all equipment of dead soldiers should be brought back with the transport after the mission. (I compared some screenshots before the transport arrived after the mission and after the transport arrived back home, and saw that the items of the dead soldier were brought back succesfully. So missing items are not from the dead squard members.)

I'm not sure but it could be that the missing items are all from squad members that stayed at home during the mission.
I'll try to reproduce and check that later.


Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Equipment disapears
« on: November 05, 2012, 03:01:49 pm »
Hi, i just realized that different items disappear randomly. This ranges from weapons, medikits, ir-goggles, grenades ...

I realized it in the nightly build from November 04, 2012.
In the build from October 18, 2012 there where no problems.

A savegame is atttached.


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