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Author Topic: Funding  (Read 3705 times)

Offline Strzelec

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« on: March 18, 2016, 08:00:47 am »
Hello everyone,

I've got a question about funding. I play 2.6. and the nations were slowly increasing funding, but since some in-game time they've stopped and now the amount of money they give me is the same and doesn't grow. I want to know if it is a bug or the nations eventually will start increasing funding again.

Offline anonymissimus

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Re: Funding
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2016, 02:59:37 pm »
Maximum of total funding is 955000. If you are at that it cannot increase any further.
See also base/ufos/nations.ufo where the max funding per nation is defined. Increasing the happiness of those nations that pay the most is more effective than increasing it for nations that pay relatively few.

Offline Strzelec

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Re: Funding
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2016, 03:13:33 pm »
I had maximum funding in 2.4. but now I have 653 thousands and when I check the graph in game which shows funding at different moments I can observe that from some point the values for every nation don't change.

Offline Strzelec

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Re: Funding
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2016, 03:16:08 pm »
The funding value from every nation stopped growing at the same moment, if it may be important. It also hasn't decreased since then.

Offline anonymissimus

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Re: Funding
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2016, 01:16:00 am »
Winning missions with many/few surviving civilians or selling UFOs should have some happiness impact.
A screenshot of the funding graphs may help decide whether something strange is going on.
Perhaps you have a long streak of few UFOs and/or you only have medium battle results so that the happiness impact is about zero.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 01:19:00 am by anonymissimus »

Offline Strzelec

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Re: Funding
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2016, 04:25:50 pm »
Thanks for your feedback, it seems that you were right, because after some battles the happiness increased, but it also stopped growing a few more times, but only if no UFOs and missions appeared for a longer period of time.

Offline anonymissimus

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Re: Funding
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2016, 08:16:06 pm »
The following events influence happiness:
-Winning a mission with enough surviving civilians slightly increases happiness of all nations, strongly for the nation where the mission was.
-Winning a mission with not enough surviving civilians (or even losing it) slightly decreases happiness of all nations, strongly for the nation where the mission was.
-Selling an UFO slightly increases happiness of all nations, strongly for the nation it was sold to.
-An active mission, which is not a crashed UFO mission, strongly decreases the happiness of the nation where it is located at every midnight, until it is flown. There also seem to be some missions which, in addition to the former, very strongly decrease happiness in the moment they disappear or the UFO takes off.

As long as nothing of these happen, happiness doesn't change. Just that time is running means nothing.
It's also possible to win missions with just the right number of surviving civilians so that the happiness impact is zero. Missions without civilians also always have zero happiness impact.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 08:19:39 pm by anonymissimus »