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Author Topic: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings  (Read 10961 times)

Offline Rodmar

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I post here because this is not a feature request, and is more about small localization "errors".
I don't know if those are still true in v2.6.

1/ Excellent resolution & Excellent soldier:

It seems that the same reference is used to qualify a soldier's attribute in the 70+, and the highest texture resolution.
More precisely, the Advanced Video Options uses the references #1807 "Low" to #1812 "Extreme" to select the resolution.
The soldier's stats windows use the references #2852 "Poor" to #2861 "Superhuman" to qualify soldier's attributes and skills.
What happens is that between #2858 "Highly Proficient" (60s) and #2859 "Outstanding" (80s?), the same #1811 "Excellent" reference is used for the attributes and skills in the 70s.

In some languages (e.g. in French), the resolution settings (poor, ..., excellent, extreme) are made agree with the noun "resolution" which is a feminine, whereas the attributes' qualifiers remain in the masculine.

- create a new reference (duplicate the #1811 "Excellent") to use with the skills in the 70s, should they need this.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2015, 06:26:55 pm »
2/ Body Armour & Aircraft Armour:

In English, the same word is used to name body armours and aircraft/other vehicles armours: "armour".
So, we have:
#97 - #99: aircraft armours
#116 - #120: body armours
#1349: armour items category both in the Equip Aircraft screen, AND in the Buy/Sell, and Equip Soldiers screens.
#2316: armour line in the aircraft stats: "Armour:\t%i of 1\n"

It can't be the case in French at all, even considering gaming jargon.
We have "armure" for the man/horse carried armour, and "blindage"(= shielding, armour-plating) for the house/vehicle external protections.
The same distinction should happen in German "Rüstung" vs. "Panzerung", and in Spanish "armadura" vs. "blindaje" as far as I know, but perhaps, it's less acute than in French.

- #97 - #99 and #2316 can be handled by the translators and there are of no concern.
- create a new reference based on #2316, but without the formatting characters. This new reference would be used in place of #1349 in the Equip Aircraft screen.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2015, 06:30:13 pm »
3/ Items & Equipment:

The noun "Items" is used for everything as is expected for such a general use word.
#1350 "Items" is used both for the electronic items category in the Equip Aircraft screen, and
for the general items cargo category (as opposed to employees, aliens, ...) in the List Transfert window.
However, in the aircarft stats, #2317 "Electronics:\t%i of %i" is used.
By the way, #1077 "Equipment" is used as a column header in the data sheet (Buy/Sell/Transfer) for the same items that are listed under #1350 "Items" in the List Transfers windows.

It's quite the same concern as with 2/Armour, only it's less acute (in French).
The choice of "Electronic" would fit much more to this equipment category

- create a new reference based on #2317 but without the formatting characters. This new reference would be used in place of #1350 in the Equip Aircraft screen.

Offline geever

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2015, 08:31:54 pm »
too bad this is not an issue tracker  and these ideas will be all lost... You should consider submitting issues on the tracker...


Offline Rodmar

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2015, 05:45:17 pm »
Don't fear. It's going to become soon an issue on the Bugtracker!

I've thought it's better if things are discussed here first, because I just can't understand all the game mechanics. Also, I don't know if the file was altered between v2.5 and v2.6 and what are the new UI and menus.

Moreover I need some advice to be more constructive on Bugtracker, as I can't tell "the truth" for all the languages.

For example, is this a feature request or a bug report?
Shall I request the writers to think more about the localization, without touching the English version (save for the necessary new duplicates), or shall I suggest to change words even in English, to be more accurate and more consistent?

Offline ShipIt

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2015, 06:55:45 am »
Don't fear. It's going to become soon an issue on the Bugtracker!

I've thought it's better if things are discussed here first, because I just can't understand all the game mechanics. Also, I don't know if the file was altered between v2.5 and v2.6 and what are the new UI and menus.

Moreover I need some advice to be more constructive on Bugtracker, as I can't tell "the truth" for all the languages.

For example, is this a feature request or a bug report?
Shall I request the writers to think more about the localization, without touching the English version (save for the necessary new duplicates), or shall I suggest to change words even in English, to be more accurate and more consistent?

Whether to call it a bug or a feature request does not make a huge difference. Also, the tracker distinguishes between the different game versions.

Beside that, if stuff gets extensive you could consider setting up a proposal in our wiki and linking there from the tracker.

Another word - reporting problems is always appreciated, even more for the current dev version than for our stable. There probably will be no 2.5.1, and we clearly lack manpower. So its unlikely someone will fix any problem in the 2.5 branch that is not present in 2.6-dev (especially UI).

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2015, 10:16:06 pm »
I understand.
I always had in mind that any report and feature request would be received for v2.6 at best, so I never looked for my game on my system to be upgraded. Anyways, I'm dependent on my distro to play the game, and they take month to package games (I've got v2.5 only since this summer). After I'm finished with my current game, and my contribution to the ufoai-fr.po, I try and install v2.6 manually to help you in a more efficient way.

For all the small map adjustments, I stick on the forum however, as you appear to be very present.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2015, 09:57:52 pm »
Topic pasted and developed on Bugtracker:

Then, I keep on using this thread as a picture hosting service.

First and second screenshots are about using Health both for animated and non animated objects.
Third and fourth screenshots are about using Transfer both for going to the Transfer screen and for starting a cargo transfer.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2015, 10:00:53 pm »
These four attached screenshots are about using the same Aircraft string for both collective and singular meanings.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2015, 10:14:47 pm »
Attached screenshots are about using idle both for scientists and for stopped aircrafts (original version).

Offline Rodmar

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2015, 10:20:27 pm »
In addition to,8944.msg64418.html#msg64418 above,
here are respectively the wanted UI in French (Equip Craft screen), the easily localized Craft Stats description (using independent MSGIDs), and then the unwanted side effects, because the same Items string is used everywhere.
(see above for the Armor string)

Offline geever

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Re: [ufoai.po] Some requests for more localization-friendly character strings
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2015, 09:11:12 pm »
I think it would worth checking 2.6-dev as it has a completely new UI. You might find the same issues in it, or not...
