Hi everyone,
For school I needed to make a significant contribution to an open source project and report about it. I started translating (Dutch). But I also need to answer some other questions. I've already started working on the questions, but I would like to hear your input. Here is the list of questions:
- Present the project: what problem is it trying to solve, who uses it, etc.
- What license model did they choose? Why?
- What license model did they choose? Why?
- Project governance: how is development team structured? Is the project lead by a single person, a core team, a company? How can volunteers contribute? Who decides on how the project evolves? How are conflicts resolved?
- Is there a business model behind the project? How does it work?
It would be very helpfull that I would get some answer. In the meantime I will try to help with the Dutch translations.
grtz briro