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Author Topic: The game should play around 2030 instead  (Read 10838 times)

Offline fireday

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The game should play around 2030 instead
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:57:17 am »

Of course there is and thank you for your suggestion. I have to admit though that Ironman mode will probably not make it into 2.5 because even if it sounds easy it needs some work and 2.5 is already in bugfixing and stabilizing stage.

I'll try to take a look on that when polishing 2.5.0 finished maybe we could add it in a 2.5.1... Who knows!? :)

Thank u. I will wait this game mode

also, I care even a couple of questions
* game start at 2084 year. i think it bad select, becouse game atmosphere does not match the time (weapon, cars, homes, peoples and etc)"
And new constume does not match the game atmosphere (weapon, cars, homes, peoples and etc)
I suggest change the start year to 2020-2035
Please, see real at progress of human technical development
Remember, what was 10 years ago? computer, global net, phones and etc. And see to what we have now
Progress go so fast, it reason to change time

* destructible environment
I understand that it is very difficult (long)
But this factor very important to game atmosphere and tactic (i understend that when play in XCOM enemy unknown)
Now we have simple destructible (for example windows)
How to implement a system of destruction now? glass separate object? (has own hitbox?)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 10:59:03 am by fireday »

Offline Noordung

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 04:30:35 pm »
It says that wars ended so there was no need for new weapons. But medikits... they feel like medicine had a leap backwards...

Offline MonkeyHead

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2014, 08:31:48 pm »
As far as destructable terrain goes, thanks to limitations with the game engine, thats probably a big no-no, unless someone can pull off some kind of code magic (or make some things/everything out of glass type objects, which sounds like a right pain in the ass to organize sensibly).

Offline fireday

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2014, 09:28:03 pm »
It says that wars ended so there was no need for new weapons. But medikits... they feel like medicine had a leap backwards...
weapons? look at the battle map, it not 2084, its our time (car, homes and etc)
and when wars stop on earth weapon will be more good (much more)

As far as destructable terrain goes, thanks to limitations with the game engine, thats probably a big no-no, unless someone can pull off some kind of code magic (or make some things/everything out of glass type objects, which sounds like a right pain in the ass to organize sensibly).
I think it need to edit objects, break into small pieces with his hitbox and destruction
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 09:30:48 pm by fireday »

Offline DarkRain

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2014, 10:17:50 pm »
weapons? look at the battle map, it not 2084, its our time (car, homes and etc)
and when wars stop on earth weapon will be more good (much more)
Did you know that originally the game was actually set in the past? Add to that the fact that the project is in dire need of artists... but if you can contribute high quality models and maps... just keep in mind the game is targeting hard sci-fi not sci-fantasy

I think it need to edit objects, break into small pieces with his hitbox and destruction
While technically possible even now, doing it for all objects in the map would be woefully inefficient (aka sloooooooww) it also would require redoing every single map

Offline fireday

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2014, 02:15:17 am »
Did you know that originally the game was actually set in the past? Add to that the fact that the project is in dire need of artists... but if you can contribute high quality models and maps... just keep in mind the game is targeting hard sci-fi not sci-fantasy
you got me wrong
I mean - game atmosphere (now in game) does not match to 2084
I suggest to change the time in initial text. I do not suggest to change the game objects (maybe only costume)

While technically possible even now, doing it for all objects in the map would be woefully inefficient (aka sloooooooww) it also would require redoing every single map
I understand this. its main reason to not do it
I want to learn how to create 3D models

Offline ShipIt

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2014, 09:19:19 am »
I suggest to change the time in initial text. I do not suggest to change the game objects (maybe only costume)

As DarkRain said, the game originally took place in the past. Maybe you should think about why this was changed?

Offline fireday

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2014, 09:26:35 pm »
As DarkRain said, the game originally took place in the past. Maybe you should think about why this was changed?
I dont speak about the originally game time
Why u do not understand me?
I tell u simple words - game atmosphere (game objects at battle map) do not matches 2084!
Because I suggest change time at ~2030

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2014, 04:16:05 am »
The intro is by far not the only place where 2084 is referenced. In the tech descriptions you'll find lots of places like "was invented in 2047". Also many human tech descriptions are so far ahead of today that 2030 simply seems too close.

Offline geever

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2014, 09:32:21 am »
You got really far from the original topic..


Offline NicSO

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2014, 02:20:55 pm »
Tech in game is generally comparable with present time, mostly (except alien tech).

Offline Internecivus

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2014, 05:05:08 pm »
Remember, what was 10 years ago? computer, global net, phones and etc. And see to what we have now
Progress go so fast, it reason to change time.
Sorry for continuing offtopic, but consider technology growth in the world not as linear increase nor as exponential growth but as sum of sigmoid functions. 

It basically explains why technology in that world didn't go so far from today. They improved everything as much as they can but they are stuck at limits and without pushing those limits (by some sudden revolutionary inventions or, you know, alien invasion ;) ) they won't have any chance to improve previous technologies.

Offline fireday

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2014, 05:02:08 am »
Sorry for continuing offtopic, but consider technology growth in the world not as linear increase nor as exponential growth but as sum of sigmoid functions. 

It basically explains why technology in that world didn't go so far from today. They improved everything as much as they can but they are stuck at limits and without pushing those limits (by some sudden revolutionary inventions or, you know, alien invasion ;) ) they won't have any chance to improve previous technologies.
Its true. Technologies do not go by same step
But, we can see progress by our eyes
For example - mobile phones. What kind of phone you had five years ago?
Computer hardware have stabile progress, it's one of main reason to humanity progress
And think we do not have a good progress now it mistake
Every year is made a lot of scientific discoveries

I understand that this date (2084) is used not just
But, I urge you to be realistic, in 2084 such aliens will not be able to fight with people
Look by real weapons, Now there are so many terrible weapon power. Its realy fear me
For example, take sniper/heavy rifle with power tip and the plasma (the exact name of the material do not know) can pierce tank armor and shoot by people by simple ammo
and other hard weapon - naval gun can do through a sieve of a heavy tank. This gun do it with ufo too))

p.s. Its my opinion. sorry for my english

Offline NicSO

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2014, 08:25:38 am »
But again, if there was great war on Earth, even worse than ww2, lets say tech stagnated :)

btw. I would like to see cyborgs in the game, battle robots, more nasty aliens...

Offline Seerorin

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Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2014, 12:27:27 am »
The games technology mostly look like it is about 20 year more advenced than us at the max! I'm right know asking around about the game. How this and that works. If I would have a little bit of free time(I don't have a lot). Maybe I could help them make a few models what looks a little more "sci-fi". Mostly would touch weaponry, battle armors, vehicles buildings. But if you think about it it's really pretty hard to do it... My main concern isn't even this. But the model quality not really consistent. The game got a lot better from 2.3(I dropped it after about 3 triest with 2-3 missions each.). So first of all they could rise the average model level to the level of weapons/soldiers cause a few things looks awful in considertion of those. A few soldier heads could be made also better. I'm not so good at modelling humans so I don't really want to try to do that. But I think I can work on weapons and props. Maybe UGV models. But firstly I will need to complete the game. Wanna see what is how working so I could have a real insight. Cause there is virtually not many good descriptions in the game(like IR goggles, through wall weapons). A few weapons also awfully balanced(plasma weapons, HMG, Grenade launcher(far too realiable and unrealistic)). So if I have enough time and devs accept it. I will try to contribute for the game. But as of yet I don't know how things works, and what they need first. Also first of all they should get all the features working. Like UGVs, campaign missions, advenced facilities, AI. So after those are really done. They could look into things like this.