Well i've came on a idea of rival company(s)/organization(s) in game, they would own same kinda army as u do(special alien clearing teams and iterceptors),
*** They will try to shoot down aliens and clear up UFOs beafore u do... -Goes for your shot down UFOs too
*** They build bases to different countryes, but won't share theyr alien info with u
- exept if u pay: for example u click on theyr base and choose theyr "radar info", u must pay some $$$ to them for month to see theyr radar info.
- They will buy radar info from u too (if u are near theyr base for example base in russia(theyr) and base in germany Your) so they could see any UFOs that come from your area,
*** They try to clear up any alien threat if u don't react to it fast enough
- You can do that too, but if u shoot down UFO and they attack it, you get 25% of materials and Money, they get and same if u attack for their shot down UFOs.
- Maybe there can be up to two teams (on large maps) one belonging to you one to them?
*** They sell theyr discovered tehnology for heavy price....
- Same u can do
Well why not make some use of thec u invested ur time in:P
*** They offer u base(s) or/and soldiers(with expirence) and supplys for credit...
-Same u can do. If u don't want base - sell it!
-----------------WHY is this usefull?---------------------
*** Well they help you to protect countrys but u get minimal amount of money from country u don't protect (cover with radar range)...
*** You make some $$$ out of alien and human thec. (but will you be kind enough and sell that thec to them? as it advances them too
*** More challange in hard mode where they advance faster - that means u must be mroe agressive
*** In easy mode they would be supportive and build bases so that countryes wouln't stop paying to you....