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Author Topic: A few ideas for bases  (Read 13982 times)

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2013, 04:45:56 pm »
Also I understood the suggestion with civilians in the base, as that they will be still civilians, i.e. you can't control them, so no 60 persons to control.

That was the idea to begin with.

Offline aa_

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2013, 09:37:47 pm »
 I agree that it is strongly illogical for all of the personal to have time to evacuate, while the soldiers only dressed up and grabbed their weapons. When the aliens enter the base, the soldiers should get into postions around the entrance, ready to pour fire at any alien that dares to enter.

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2013, 02:49:04 pm »
Should I post the rest of my ideas in a different topic?

Offline Wolls

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2013, 10:21:06 am »
I read the plan for making bases bigger and cutting down the number of required buildings for a base. I was thinking since the radar dishes aren't actually in the base the radar building could be merged with the command center, but the advanced radar should be a separate building still.

Early on you have plenty of space.  So in terms: The combined base is not as good as the stand-alone base is not as good as the advanced base.  And if the advanced Base is mid-term and separate, why does it matter? ( when this early on base space doesn't??)
When aliens attack you base your pilots, workers, and scientists should be in the base according to how they are assigned so scientists would be in the labs, workers would be in the workshop and pilots would be in the hangers. They wouldn't wonder around the base, but would rather head over to the living quarters or maybe some sort of raid shelter which could be added if this is put in. This would make attacks on your base a lot more devastating. When the workers and scientists are changed to just numbers instead of individual people if you add in a few hours delivery time for them. This would make base design critical during attacks, because you could lose more that just your soldiers.

Or just lose and lose the base.  And personally moar ppl just means more ppl getting in the way of my soldiers shots..  also I can't imagine the cost of getting / watching 60+ base personnel getting slaughtered.   

 ...oh get out of the way..
Another thing that would go well with this would be weapons lockers in each building in the base that carry a couple of pistols, assault rifles and some ammo that people could pick up so your pilots, workers and scientists wouldn't be totally helpless. Even if they had a gun they wouldn't actively seek out and engage the aliens, but if they do see an alien they could take cover and shoot at them, but run as soon as the alien starts shooting back at them or take a shot or two then run. You could do both and make it a special button available during base attacks base personal defend themselves or shoot and run. It would make sense that all personal in the base would have at least basic firearms operation training. The base being empty during base attacks is just really weird especially in those bases that have like 60 personal.

You can blame -Geever

 I think the idea is to implement a equip area on the Dropships.  Which should give you a chance to shoot down the Aliens and still get there early enough to take advantage of the crash damage.
Workers should be able to help build buildings in your base and speed up aircraft repair. It could work like any other production. For buildings workers could be assigned to base building in the production screen so you wouldn't need a workshop. If no buildings are under construction workers assigned to base building would ether be reassigned to the workshop or work in the workshop till another building is being built( might need some to remind the player that some workers will stop and work on the buildings. Aircraft repair would again not require a workshop and workers would have to be assigned and the repair rate could be like one worker repairs 1% per hour so with one worker the aircraft would repair at 2% each hour, etc. This would make workers a whole lot more useful especially in early game when you don't have much or anything for them to do.

One and two percentages seem low, but otherwise I like the idea of being able to assign work focus, how to make it work?
Being able to start building buildings next to buildings under construction would be really helpful. You could increase the number of days it takes to build the building by how far away it is from a active building. This would really help in bases where the entrance gets dumped in a corner or when it is up against a square you can't build in and a wall.

Base building kinda blows.  Once you know what you are doing; or what you are doing with this base... honestly base building should be harder.  Does this make Base Building harder?

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2013, 05:40:48 pm »
Early on you have plenty of space.  So in terms: The combined base is not as good as the stand-alone base is not as good as the advanced base.  And if the advanced Base is mid-term and separate, why does it matter? ( when this early on base space doesn't??)

Well, it may not have a impact on a early game base but what about a dedicated workshop or research base. You might not put a advance radar in because it takes up space that is better used on other things.

One and two percentages seem low, but otherwise I like the idea of being able to assign work focus, how to make it work?
Base building kinda blows.  Once you know what you are doing; or what you are doing with this base... honestly base building should be harder.  Does this make Base Building harder?

The current repair rate of aircraft is 1% per hour, so no 1% or 2% per hour is not low. Anyway just think if a worker could repair at say 10% per hour ten workers would be able to repair any aircraft no matter how much it is damaged in less than a hour. Which would be game breaking as you would need significantly fewer aircraft, especially on the harder difficulties. I mentioned that you would assign them in the production screen. Workers would be assign ether to base construction, aircraft repair, or workshop. If they have nothing to do they will work in the workshop by default and if the workshop is doing nothing then aircraft repair, this could be changed by the player in the options menu. Unless workers are required it would really only speed things up a bit.

This is how it could work if workers are required for base construction and aircraft repair:

Base construction you be able plan where the buildings are going to go, which costs nothing. Before construction of the building can start you need to have a power plant, a command center, storage and living quarters planned in a way that they are connected to entrance and have workers assigned to the base. Before a living quarters is built you can only assign about ten workers to a base. That number also would also be the amount of workers you would need to constructed a building with their current/base build time. You can only have the amount of workers needed to reduce building time to half the base working on the construction of a single building. All of this would be managed on a tab in the production menu. Workers can be assigned to base construction in the building menu and the queue can also be accessed.

Aircraft repair would worker in a similar way. The aircraft needing repair would queue up and you assign workers to repair them. Only 10 workers can be assigned to one aircraft. It would be managed on a tab that is available in the production menu and the aircraft menu.

The queue for both can be reordered like the production queue, but the queue items cannot be removed and are added in a different way. You can also set how many workers will be assigned to one queue item. Workers would be assigned to items from top to bottom. So the queue might look something like this:

Try to picture this on the production screen.

                                                                                              /\(Max number of workers assigned to one item)
(Queue item 1)(numb workers assigned)
(Queue item 2)(numb workers assigned)                                         /\              (Queue item 1)
(Queue item 3)(numb workers assigned)                                         \/                  picture
(Queue item 4)(numb workers assigned)

Say you have 20 workers and the set max for each item is 8 it would look something like this.


(Queue item 1)(8)
(Queue item 2)(8)                                                                       /\              (Queue item 1)
(Queue item 3)(4)                                                                       \/                  picture
(Queue item 4)(0)

Offline bishop

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2013, 12:23:21 am »
I agree with you that the aircraft repair should be queued in the Workshop. This would also correct the current design flaw, that hangars do not need any personal. This would mean the pilots repair, maintain and refill their aircraft all by themselves  :o - very unlikely...

However, I totally not agree with you on the building part. These "workers" are rather engineers (I think they are also somewhere referenced as this), than workers who use a shovel and carry bricks around...
So IMHO construction of building should stay outsourced and not performed by your small team of specialists.

Offline Eegxeta

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2013, 04:16:04 pm »
Well the original idea was to allow your workers to help in construction to make it go faster.

Still I think being able to place where buildings are going to go even if construction can't begin on them right away would be a nice feature. You wouldn't have to keep going back and placing buildings if the entrance ends up in a weird spot and you can't build on every side of it. More for convenience than anything else. 

Offline geever

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2013, 06:13:24 pm »
Still I think being able to place where buildings are going to go even if construction can't begin on them right away would be a nice feature. You wouldn't have to keep going back and placing buildings if the entrance ends up in a weird spot and you can't build on every side of it. More for convenience than anything else.

I have put that into my todo list already, though with a low priority because it needs much to change in the background...


Offline Eegxeta

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2013, 04:59:30 pm »
Glad to know it is on the todo list. Do you have any thoughts on my ideas for workers?

Offline geever

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2013, 08:27:57 am »
Glad to know it is on the todo list. Do you have any thoughts on my ideas for workers?

Yes: TBH, I don't like the idea to degrade our engineers to bricklayers...

And before you ask: Hangars come with mechanics who repairs and refills the aircraft.


Offline bishop

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2013, 03:27:21 am »
Yes: TBH, I don't like the idea to degrade our engineers to bricklayers...
My saying, +1

And before you ask: Hangars come with mechanics who repairs and refills the aircraft.
But this doesn't fit with the fact, that you have to build living quarters and beds aren't reduced with hangars... Or do the mechanics also sleep in the hangars? ;-)

Offline geever

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2013, 08:21:59 pm »
But this doesn't fit with the fact, that you have to build living quarters and beds aren't reduced with hangars... Or do the mechanics also sleep in the hangars? ;-)

They sleep at home. They work in a three-shift system. :P


Offline DarkRain

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Re: A few ideas for bases
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2013, 03:58:17 am »
Quote from: Maj. Marcel LeClerc, Base Commander, PHALANX, Pacific Operations Command on 22 January 1958
The Living Quarters facility is the standard habitation unit for PHALANX personnel. It provides living space and sanitation for up to 20 people and several necessary ancillary personnel.
Which I presume includes hangars staff, hospital staff, janitors... you get the idea