Technical support > Feature Requests

Suppressing fire: For those hard to get aliens

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Only losing too many health. For our soldiers also dead comrades gives moral damage. If you don't hit them directly and do damage. They can simply walk through anything. When I first met sheevar wich is really resistant to AR fire. That beast simply walked through the fire of two of my soldiers for whole round. He got hit at least 3-4 times. Still he simply got closer and killed one of my man. Didn't really seemed that way he is afraid from my troops firing at him with with rifles.

+1 for suppresson fire
but not to overpower it make full auto less acurate. so this would be really just for suppressing enemies. maybe even prevent reaction fire. so if you flank it with suppression fire you could than shoot it in fron with no fear od RF.

Maybe instead of TU, morale loss (if under heavy fire so they panic-would apply both sides?)


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