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Author Topic: Unable to install the game...  (Read 1917 times)


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Unable to install the game...
« on: November 22, 2006, 04:22:00 pm »

I downloadded the RC6 version from two different mirrors (Dusseldorf & Bern) and I encounter the following problem:

When I run the installer there appears a small box 'verifing installer' when it reaches 100% the following error message pops up:

"NSIS Error

The installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete.
This could be the result of a damaged disk, a failed download or a virus.

You may want to contact the author of this installer to obtain a new copy.

It may be possible to skip this check using /NCRC command line switch(NOT RECOMMENDED)"

Both my downloaded versions are exactly the same size. I tried to run this installer with the proposed switch but it doesn't work(or maybe I don't know how to use it @_@ - write down please how to use this switch, just to be sure). Maybe I just downloaded from the two bad mirrors, bad luck only?:> Anyway, hope someone can help solve this problem.

my PC: Athlon 1.0GHz, 256 RAM, Radeon 9550 & Win XP with SP2