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Author Topic: Design: Aliens  (Read 43748 times)

Offline BTAxis

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Design: Aliens
« Reply #45 on: June 28, 2006, 01:55:10 pm »

To be fair, though, some of the soldiers are women. However, it seems likely that the uniforms the soldiers wear are unisex.

Offline Bandobras

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Design: Aliens
« Reply #46 on: June 28, 2006, 02:37:44 pm »
Why, of course my favourite UFO:AI soldier is an akimbo female in shorts (and panties underneath). Didn't I mention that? Are we still on topic, BTW? :D


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Design: Aliens
« Reply #47 on: July 04, 2006, 06:40:30 pm »
Back to topic: My favorite part of Xcom was the PSY.
So before modelling I drew some things during lecture:
Alien Pictures
In order of appearence:
- soldier in psy-amp armor (light, increased psy-activity, while no flying and no good protection)
- psy amplifier. needed for large attacks
- psy sonde needed for small tests
- psy drug of aliens
- antarean psyonic without armor -- uncapable of wearing wapons
- antarean psyonic with armor & psy sonde - capable of flying an hold weapons
Hope you like some of it.

Offline Mattn

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Design: Aliens
« Reply #48 on: July 04, 2006, 06:43:18 pm »
^^cool that you link your local ip :-D


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Design: Aliens
« Reply #49 on: July 14, 2006, 01:12:26 am »
I think that each kind of weapon have his use ingame, is a great idea. And I think that making the "Autopsy of the Alien X", should give you information of vulnearabilities of each alien when you have the cursor above that kind of alien.

In that way you dont have to read the manual, or other ways to obtain the information about the vulnearabilities of that alien. :wink:

Offline Bandobras

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Design: Aliens
« Reply #50 on: July 14, 2006, 02:11:49 am »
Quote from: "jagreen"
I think that each kind of weapon have his use ingame, is a great idea.

You mean each kind as in each damage type and each range/power combination, or just every single weapon in the game? And each weapon in some part of the game, or all even in the late game?

In that way you dont have to read the manual, or other ways to obtain the information about the vulnearabilities of that alien. :wink:

Nice idea. But I hope the vulnearabilities will be easy to remember, that is, simple and rather rare. Just a bit of spice, not mandatory micromanagement.


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Design: Aliens
« Reply #51 on: July 14, 2006, 02:26:59 pm »
I mean each kind as in each damage type and each range/power combination, yes.

And each weapon in some part of the game, i dont see a soldier of the late future wearing a MP5. :D

Offline Bandobras

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Design: Aliens
« Reply #52 on: July 14, 2006, 04:02:07 pm »
Quote from: "jagreen"
I mean each kind as in each damage type and each range/power combination, yes.

I hope it is that way right now. See the wiki and then test ingame if what wiki says is true... :)

And each weapon in some part of the game, i dont see a soldier of the late future wearing a MP5. :D

Yeah, Assault Rifle is obsoleted by several other weapons...

Offline p0ss

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Re: Design: Aliens
« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2011, 05:32:22 am »
I don't want to unnecessarily necro a thread, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't warrant a new post. 

 The most oft repeated Trope of alien lore is the bipedal humanoid, and I think it would be a brilliant thing if there were more games that challenged the status quo on this one. So I guess in this post I'm aiming to think outside the box a little. 

 Firstly, if there is not a common evolutionary lineage within the past few million years then there is no reason to assume aliens would be bipedal, the vast majority of creatures on earth are not bipedal. The majority are quadrupeds, but even that is likely a shared evolutionary trait inherited from previous successful organisms and requiring a significant beneficial mutation to overcome. In short, bipeds are likely to be rare, some examples of alternate forms on earth might include:


And the more familiar intelligent forms:


 Other forms not found on earth might be:

 Energy ball
 Shape changing
 Any of these forms could conceivably give rise to intelligence and tool manipulation, and should be considered as likely as a biped.

 It is also worth considering that if Alien beings were composed of substances lighter than air then it might be possible for them to float naturally in our atmosphere, or perhaps they have developed some technology to help them move. Following along those lines, realistically if we were to visit another planet we would be unlikely to be in our raw forms even if the atmosphere were breathable. These points would lead us to believe that an alien on earth would most likely be inside some kind of shell, both for protection and for life support. Possible forms might include:

  For these reasons, and others, I would like to submit the following Ideas:

 rocket propelled shark (flies, fast, strong against physical bullets, weak against fire, uses melee attack)
 Diamond Covered Octopus  (slow, heavily armored, uses multiple weapons )
 Teleporting Armored Energy Ball (heavily armored, can teleport through walls, weak to energy weapons and explosives).
 Shape Changing Cloud (immune to physical weapons, can move through windows, can take on the form of any other creature, weak to fire, explosions and energy weapons)
 Burrowing suicide torpedoes (very hard to target, moves under walls, explodes on impact)
 Hovering Jellyfish (paralyzing melee attack,  can move over debris, weak to physical weapons)

Offline geever

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Re: Design: Aliens
« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2011, 05:38:28 pm »
  For these reasons, and others, I would like to submit the following Ideas:

 rocket propelled shark (flies, fast, strong against physical bullets, weak against fire, uses melee attack)
 Diamond Covered Octopus  (slow, heavily armored, uses multiple weapons )
 Teleporting Armored Energy Ball (heavily armored, can teleport through walls, weak to energy weapons and explosives).
 Shape Changing Cloud (immune to physical weapons, can move through windows, can take on the form of any other creature, weak to fire, explosions and energy weapons)
 Burrowing suicide torpedoes (very hard to target, moves under walls, explodes on impact)
 Hovering Jellyfish (paralyzing melee attack,  can move over debris, weak to physical weapons)

These are toooo RPGish/futuristic/overcomplicated. I think we need somewhat closer what we have: flesh and bones. it can have more legs than two - more arms can be problematic on inventory though - it should just fit into the boxes (the 1x1 or the 2x2)  and have the the animations.


Offline Hertzila

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Re: Design: Aliens
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2011, 08:37:43 pm »
So hypothetically speaking, the only thing stopping me from creating a thing that has 8 legs and 2 arms (and lots of stranger stuff) might be size limitations that either force it to be a bit small or large?

Hypothetically, that is. I'm no modeler.

Offline p0ss

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Re: Design: Aliens
« Reply #56 on: February 04, 2011, 01:06:46 pm »
I am currently working on some retextures of the existing aliens, and I was just wondering if there was any concept art or design directions for how they should look, what their culture is like and anything else that might help.  Currently I've made the Ortok more evil, giving them scales and veins, darkening their skin a bit as well as covering some in blood. I've also done some work on the bloodspiders, making them a bit less clean and clinical, making them look more dirty and making some covered in blood, particularly the legs.  Are these ideas ok? does anyone have any ideas on how the existing aliens might be spiced up a bit? 

 I've already done some alternate textures for the alien weapons, just making them different shades of blue and making the kerrblades dirtier and bloodier, here are some of the ones I've done so far:

Offline LuckyLindy

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Re: Design: Aliens
« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2011, 04:05:47 pm »
I believe, somewhere, I mentioned introducing the Vipon/Snakeman alien.  This guy was always cold-blooded and difficult an aversary.  Like to go up against him agian, someday...

Offline GIJOE317

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Re: Design: Aliens
« Reply #58 on: May 02, 2011, 06:03:36 pm »
might include:

Like a swarm of nanites? or small alien bees?

Offline TrashMan

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Re: Design: Aliens
« Reply #59 on: May 09, 2012, 05:52:40 pm »
This game needs something like Chryssalid.

An alien melee monster with lots of TU's.