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Author Topic: Debian: feedback and tests welcome  (Read 43857 times)

Offline Mattn

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2013, 08:21:04 pm »
that might be a little bit hard to do. because we are using pkg-config's pc files, and there almost everything gtk related is included.

Offline apo

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2013, 05:59:34 pm »
that might be a little bit hard to do. because we are using pkg-config's pc files, and there almost everything gtk related is included.

Unfortunately I haven't identified the root cause of this issue yet. Normally this could be avoided by excluding the unneeded gtk libraries in the final linker stage and I usually add "Wl,--as-needed to LDFLAGS to compensate for that. In this case it doesn't work.

Besides: I've built the game with SDL2 for the first time and it works flawlessy so far. 

Offline wolfer

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2013, 07:42:07 pm »
Hi all,

Registered to give some info on my run with these packages.

Before going into details I'm on amd64 / SID.

Install goes as expected I had most prerequisites, the ones which I did not were libxml1 (for ufoai-uforadiant-data) and  libgtkglext1 (for ufoai-uforadiant). Sadly there is no package named libxml1 in the official debian repo, thus I wasn't able to get the mapeditor working.
Also after installing the game server component starts up, and listens on TCP, which is in my opinion rather unwanted. As such I think it would make a lot more sense to either start the server on a need to basis or have it only listen on localhost.

Also when trying to start the game it dies with the following error:
/usr/lib/ufoai/ufo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Offline apo

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2013, 12:02:35 am »

Thanks for your feedback.

Install goes as expected I had most prerequisites, the ones which I did not were libxml1 (for ufoai-uforadiant-data) and  libgtkglext1 (for ufoai-uforadiant). Sadly there is no package named libxml1 in the official debian repo, thus I wasn't able to get the mapeditor working.

I believe you are looking for libmxml1

Also after installing the game server component starts up, and listens on TCP, which is in my opinion rather unwanted. As such I think it would make a lot more sense to either start the server on a need to basis or have it only listen on localhost.

The ufoai-server package contains the dedicated server. You don't need this package if you want to start a listen server, the ufoai package is then sufficient. The dedicated server is intended for server admins who want to setup a headless server with as little dependencies as possible. Normally you can set a cvar value for net_ip (at least for openarena) in your server.cfg and make the server listen only on one interface instead of all.

So in short: If you only want to play the game and host some games in your local network, the ufoai package and its dependencies is all that you need.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2013, 02:15:46 pm »
the mapeditor needs libxml2

Offline Grug

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2013, 06:56:50 pm »
Firstly, great to see this finally becoming official in Debian. The more quality games we get in Debian the better!

So, here is my experience so far....
I'm running Debian Jessie with some Sid packages and using the binary debs from this thread. I also have 2.4 compiled from source in my home directory, but it shouldn't be interfering unless there is a big packaging issue.

Due to the change in the soldiers my 2.4 saved games weren't really playable so decided to start a new campaign. The first UFO arrived and I sent out my dropship but couldn't enter the battle scene. After trying a few times I checked the console and discovered this:
2013/10/31 21:54:52 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - saved
2013/10/31 21:54:52 XML Written to buffer (120728 Bytes)
2013/10/31 21:54:52 Can't find maps/gasstation.ump
2013/10/31 21:55:00 Calling subsystems
2013/10/31 21:55:00 ...subsystem 'campaign' - saved
2013/10/31 21:55:00 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - saved
2013/10/31 21:55:00 XML Written to buffer (120728 Bytes)
2013/10/31 21:55:00 Can't find maps/gasstation.ump
2013/10/31 21:55:02 Calling subsystems
2013/10/31 21:55:02 ...subsystem 'campaign' - saved

After starting a new campaign I ended up 3 out of 5 maps (for a total of 4 from 6) failing to load.
The maps I got  in the new campaign were:
2013/10/31 23:25:34 checksum for the map 'subway': 2414773207
2013/11/01 02:50:25 Can't find maps/industrial.ump
2013/11/01 02:54:13 Can't find maps/scout_crash.ump
2013/11/01 03:09:24 checksum for the map 'harbour': 3665197658
2013/11/01 03:38:00 Can't find maps/city3.ump

I unzipped the /usr/share/games/ufoai/base/0maps.pk3 file and there are no .ump files, only .bsp files but the missing maps do match directories in the resulting maps folder. The maps that did work match .bsp files in the root of the /maps/ directory.
I haven't looked at the source code to try to find the issue yet as those times are local time (yes it is now 5:00am) but I'll have a poke around and see what I can come up if no-one knows the problem already.

I couldn't see anything drastic about maps in the forums and I asked on IRC and it was suggested my experience might be a packaging issue hence giving some feedback here.

This one probably isn't a packaging issue but a separate bug, but I also got this mess trying to load one map (I don't remember what the map was). It tried to load but crashed back to the Geoscope:
2013/11/01 03:01:10 XML Written to buffer (141063 Bytes)
2013/11/01 03:01:10 g_notu is a developer cvar.
2013/11/01 03:01:10 g_nospawn is a developer cvar.
2013/11/01 03:01:10 setting game random seed to 13655235
2013/11/01 03:01:10 ********************
2013/11/01 03:01:10 ERROR: CMod_LoadEntityString: closing brace without data for keyname worldspawn
2013/11/01 03:01:10 ********************
2013/11/01 03:01:10 failed to upload file 'crashdump.txt': Failed to open/read local data from file/application
2013/11/01 03:01:13 Shutdown server: Server crashed.

Offline Grug

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2013, 04:07:35 pm »
I unzipped the /usr/share/games/ufoai/base/0maps.pk3 file and there are no .ump files, only .bsp files but the missing maps do match directories in the resulting maps folder. The maps that did work match .bsp files in the root of the /maps/ directory.
I haven't looked at the source code to try to find the issue yet as those times are local time (yes it is now 5:00am) but I'll have a poke around and see what I can come up if no-one knows the problem already.
Having a quick look at git, I noticed there were .ump files in the /base/maps/ directory of the source. A git clone was taking too long (stupid net connection) so I just went back to playing, but when a map couldn't load, I grabbed the missing file from the git repo, created a new directory /usr/share/games/ufoai/base/maps/ and added the missing .ump file and low and behold*, it worked. I could now play the missing maps.

I'm surprised this worked because the only files in the new /base/maps/ dir is the missing .ump files, the other maps files are still being sourced from the .pk3 pack. I unzipped the maps pack file to a separate sub-dir on a drive with more space. :-P

Offline apo

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2013, 11:57:17 am »
Firstly, great to see this finally becoming official in Debian. The more quality games we get in Debian the better!

Absolutely. :)

Thank you very much for your bug report. I forgot to add an asterisk sign in a very important place, so that the *.ump files couldn't be copied to the right place. This should be fixed now. I will upload new packages with the latest git snapshot in the course of the day.

Offline Grug

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2013, 12:07:51 pm »
I forgot to add an asterisk sign in a very important place, so that the *.ump files couldn't be copied to the right place. This should be fixed now. I will upload new packages with the latest git snapshot in the course of the day.
Ahhh yes. Glad it was an easy fix. :-)

Offline apo

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2013, 09:29:59 pm »
I have uploaded the new deb packages.

Offline erome5578

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2014, 11:28:05 pm »
Tech spt, When is Version 2.5 scheduled to be available?

Offline Mattn

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2014, 06:25:49 pm »
with june 1st we should be fully debian license compatible. i've just replaced the last sound files with gpled versions. now we can really start to release 2.5 and hopefully also get it officially into debian :)

Offline apo

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2014, 10:29:00 pm »
Hi folks, hi Mattn

sorry I was quite busy this week but I promise to update the packaging this weekend. I guess the only thing that's left is to release 2.5. I'll be back tomorrow with more information. Let's get this game into Debian.  :)

Offline Mattn

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2014, 10:30:53 pm »
yes - there is nothing more left than that

great to hear that.

Offline apo

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Re: Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2014, 12:17:04 am »
Ok, I have built the latest stuff from the ufoai_2.5 branch and everything seems to work fine.

A few observations:

1. I would like to use a verbose build to detect possible issues as early as possible. Currently I see lines like that

Code: [Select]
===> CXX [uforadiant] src/tools/radiant/radiant/sound/SoundManagerModule.cpp
===> CXX [uforadiant] src/tools/radiant/radiant/sound/SoundPlayer.cpp
===> CXX [uforadiant] src/tools/radiant/radiant/script/ScriptLibrary.cpp
===> CXX [uforadiant] src/tools/radiant/radiant/script/ScriptLibraryModule.cpp
===> CXX [uforadiant] src/tools/radiant/radiant/script/ScriptTokeniser.cpp
===> CXX [uforadiant] src/tools/radiant/radiant/script/ScriptTokenWriter.cpp

How can I make the compiler commands and all flags visible?

2. I have mostly tested UFO:AI under GNOME 3. It takes some time until the games starts up which is absolutely fine. However during this process a pop-up window with a message is shown which asks me if I want to "kill the application" or if I want to wait until the task finishes. (Obviously the game triggers a timeout somewhere) Screenshot with the message in German:
It could be a GNOME 3 issue. It's slightly annoying, unfortunately I don't know how to fix it. Did anyone see a similar message sometime?

3. Fonts:

Here are two screenshots showing the in-game menu in English and German. I am old and my eyes are dim but I think the fonts are not really crisp. Is this normal?