When a base attack is spawned, the UFO or UFO group should fly to a base that is randomly picked, the selection being modified by the bases' weights. A base's weight is a function of how well-known that base is to the aliens (the base will make itself more known the more it attacks nearby UFOs) and the degree of alien infiltration and/or XVI infection of the area the base is located in.
http://ufoai.org/wiki/Talk:Gameplay_Proposals/Campaign#Base_attacksYaay for old data.. I'm thinking of purely workshop bases where:
I usually have only three bases, first one gets a lot of labs, second one is mainly for armed forces and the third one gets the workshops and a ufo yard next to it.
I'll build the ufo yard and workshop base (3) right beside the first base or the second base, which ever can take out a harvester.
For base 3 ( workshops) I go for maximum efficiency.. no soldiers, no batteries, no radar.. no defense. To be honest I am unsure what effect having those (soldiers, running intercepts, radar) exactly has on the so called 'weight' umm like does having a missile battery make the base more likely to be attacked? Does having SAM installations around the base lead to the aliens having a greater interest level in that base?
The text for the Radar building, implies that the 'active scanning' will garner more alien interest... but to what degree?
So I build 'workshop' bases, right beside active ( usually radars + assault / interception) and hope that the aliens are more attracted to the active base. Its kinda like throwing a penny on the sidewalk and sure some people will notice it, so you chuck a $100 bill right beside and no one notices the penny anymore.
I'm also trying to maximum three bases ( with radar installations so that I have expanded coverage, and taking out everything they spot). Tactically I suck later game, but in 3-4 campaigns at 5-8 months, my workshop base when positioned beside another active base has never been attacked. Maybe I'm fluky??
PS. I usually just end up destroying that one workshop in my first base.
PSS. I had a base where I threw down multiple batteries ( laser and missile in an attempt to see if that alone would take down a harvester) and complete exaggeration that base seemed like it was a base defense every other mission.
PSSS. Early to mid-game money is tight on normal / standard campaigns.. but with the increased action 'hard' is actually the easiest in terms of money.