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Author Topic: Torque3D raising money to improve Linux development process  (Read 3252 times)

Offline H-Hour

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Torque3D raising money to improve Linux development process
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:52:46 pm »
Newly open-sourced game engine Torque3D is raising money to improve its support for game development on Linux. The game engine already supports Linux, but this will raise money to allow developers to work on Linux rather than having to develop the game in Windows.

It's an interesting idea and I hope the general model of funding open-source development this way works.

Offline krilain

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Re: Torque3D raising money to improve Linux development process
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 06:45:14 pm »
In my opinion, making games under linux would help to increase its users number. But selling computers with linux inside would also do. If users were numerous enough under this system the question of funding wouldn't be relevant so much if we admit that in general the users are able to improve a software if 2 conditions are met : they are allowed to do so (question of copyright), and they are numerous enough for this task...

Anyway if by some way Torque3D could influence the production of the games to increase, that would do the job and attract those so needed new users. All of this leads at last to a virtuous chain.