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Author Topic: Storyline variant: contingency  (Read 11292 times)

Offline BTAxis

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Storyline variant: contingency
« on: June 01, 2006, 07:12:33 pm »
I made this thread por the purpose of discussing this potential storyline, without the discussion about other aspects about the storyline getting in the way, and vice versa. Main purpose of this thread: To decise whether the storyline is acceptable, possibly with modifications. But kindly don't suggest alternatives that have a different basic premise. Make a new thread for them.

Brief overview: I started the discussion with this post, about the aliens making a deal with the humans. But it turned out to be too unbelieveable, as XCOMturcocalypse pointed out. Thought made some good comments here. There are also several alternatives posted by myself, altugi and Thought.

So, basic premise, in accordance to the modules structure as stipulated by BloodMagus:

Reason for Invasion
The aliens have been to earth before, and claimed it as their own. While waiting for a suitable species to emerge to act as the vassal species, they left the planet alone, leaving behind a small automated monitoring station. With mankind's rapid technological advances during the eighteenth and ninteenth centuries, the monitoring station alerted the alien homeworld who sent a contingency force to prevent humanity from becoming so advanced as to be unmanageable. The contingency task force arrives too late. Humanity has evolved to a point where simple oppression through advanced technology is no longer possible. The aliens therefore decide to make an attempt to throw the human civilization in disarray by means of hit-and-run attacks, terror missions and political infiltration.
Questions: When did the aliens first visit Earth? Did they seed human civilization, or boost it? What traces did they leave behind?

Phalanx Birth
Phalanx is a UN military and scientific initiative charged with responding solely to the alien threat and finding a way of defeating them. The regular military is not to interfere with its operations.
Ideas: As Phalanx is a UN initiative, the players lose when the UN decides Phalanx should be disbanded. This happens if there is a majority in the security council, which in turn happens if more than half the territories (these TODO) have fallen under alien influence. The security council meets regarding Phalanx once a year.

Phalanx Duties
Phalanx is charged with defending citizens from alien attacks, intercepting UFOs, performing research related to the aliens and repelling the alien invasion.
Questions: What is the role of the regular military?

Open for debate. Possibly corporate or private initiatives fighting against or even with the aliens.

Destruction of alien main fleet, possibly by hitting it with something big, such as the moon.

Offline BloodMagus

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Storyline variant: contingency
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2006, 05:27:02 pm »

Reason for Invasion:

If it was a boost, I'd suggest that we pick a large civilisation/empire and somehow work into it. I.e Mayans, Aztecs, Greek, Egyptians, Byzantine, Romans etc. Either portray thier gods as having been aliens, or that key figures were aliens. The aliens provide simple science to help the civilisation build its great empire and infrastructure.

If it was a seed, then I'd suggest that the human species originated from somewhere in africa. This could either be the aliens sort of 'domesticating' us like cattle, feeding us and using breeding us. Or prehaps they may have collect a few 'samples' and genetically improved them before releasing them to create a 'superhuman' that would become a dominate species. Prehaps more then one species was developed (i.e neanderthals) as a plan b.

Or even better, prehaps the neanderthals were the intended vassal species and would have been subservant, and unbeknownst to the aliens the neanderthals died out and we became dominant. Much to the aliens surprise to return and find that their domesticated pets had been driven to instinct by their wild cousins, who incidently don't take kind to being told what to do.

In either case, I think it would be acceptable to have the slow build upx alien activity, as the aliens initially attempt to analyse the nature of us humans and later resorting to discipline & violence after they realise that we're attacking their researchers.

Prehaps you could make it so that terror missions would occur in areas that their researchers had been attacked, as a crude attempt to deter us. Later having realised the existance of the Phalanx, they'd resort to political infiltration.

Phalanx Birth:

Sounds much like the original XCOM deal. I think the UN should disband the Phalanx Group if you get a negative score too often, on the grounds that they're not effective.

If more then 50% of the terroritories become alien controlled, then a motion to disband the Phalanx is passed by the UN.

Phalanx Duties:
The regular military should assist in protecting locals from aliens, while the Phalanx is to deal directly with aliens and neutralise the threat.
I think the local military also has a responsibility to supply the Phalanx with what they need. Prehaps we could hire military assets etc.
For example aircraft could be leased, weapons could be leased, soldiers could be leased.

Again I think the regular military should attempt to shoot down UFO's in their airspace. They may even be allowed to kill any survicors. But by UN declaration everything is to be turned over to the Phalanx team.

Prehaps targetting their supply ships, rather then the fleet itself. Or prehaps coming up with a biological agent to kill off the aliens.
Or lastly making some kind of singularity or black hole to suck them into it. I just don't see the moon be an effective projectile.

Maybe steal a ship and kamikaze it into their flagship/mothership. Or long range nukes.


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Storyline variant: contingency
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2006, 07:55:42 am »
Looking over the various suggestions, I have tried to create an "updated" version of the prologue/introduction to the game. This is written "in character," as it were, from the perspective of the beginning of the game when the player still doesn't know much about the aliens (such as why they come). As such, it is primarily concerned with the history of the alien threat and Phalanx. I fully expect that this will have to be shortened, changed, and so forth, but hopefully it is an acceptable start from which we can start adding elements of how humans discover more information about the aliens and their relationship with humanity (and, in turn, how humanity will deal with the aliens).

Just an ambitious,



Good evening, Commander. I will be your briefing officer. Until we reach home base, we are under level three security lock down. You cannot know my name, I cannot know yours, and until we land this meeting does not exist.

My duty is to bring you up to speed on the history of the present threat before we land. Please keep in mind that I am only authorized to speak; I am not authorized to hear your questions and you are not authorized to ask any, at this time.

On February 24th 2027 a radar telescope array, under control of the under-funded United Nations research organization known as Hoplite, near the Tigris River detected an unusually ordered energy emission at 0335 hours. Other arrays began picking up the signal, but only those within a longitude variance of thirty degrees. The highly structured nature of this energy emission classified it as a priority two signal, while the limited range of detection pushed it to priority one. Up until this date, no signal detected by Hoplite or any predecessor organization was ever classified as high as a priority three signal.

With this signal, the world became curious and the best scientists began working on the data. Once it was established that the energy emission was the result of Tachyon particles decaying upon entering the solar system, the United Nations began discussing in earnest the possibilities of a communication from an Extra-terrestrial intelligence. Various Hawkish members of the general assembly and the Security Council urged the adoption of worst case scenario protocols, though France vetoed any attempt to pass such a resolution.

The following year another signal of a similar nature was detected by the deep space probe, Voyager II. After careful analysis, it was determined that the signal originated from Earth, not from outer space. With two sets of data to work with, the signal was slowly decoded over the next twenty years. The original signal was never meant for biological ears, as it contained what appeared to be a basic inquiry of a computer system, though of a design that continues to elude earth scientists. The second signal was then determined to be a reply indicating several pre-programmed parameters were in unacceptable ranges. These parameters and their significance have not yet been determined, nor has the device that sent the reply signal ever been found.

In the intervening twenty years between when the signal was detected and when it was decoded, the United Nations was reorganized into the United Nations II, to better reflect the changing political structure of the world. Increasing tensions between the Mega-Nations of the world produced a period of intense military uncertainty, which led to the alien signal being viewed in a more pessimistic manner. UN II resolution 101, 2048 – Concerning Phalanx: Protocols for the Defense and Response to Military or Terrorists Attacks on Human Organizations as Originating from an Extraterrestrial Source was passed on June 24th, 2048. This resolution quickly became known as “the Phalanx Protocols” and it called for the re-organization of Hoplite into a dual function organization capable of monitoring and researching alien threats as well as responding to isolated alien incursions. The protocols were never implemented and Hoplite, after having experienced a brief surge in funding, eventually began to decline again and fade from public favor over the next forty years. Without more indications of alien life, extraterrestrial research floundered as a field of academic study and practical applications and Hoplite itself was seen as an unnecessary financial liability, much less so than the larger structure that the Phalanx protocols called for.

By 2084, Hoplite was a closet organization whose continued existed was largely due to the fact that no politician could be bothered with its final eradication. On March 9th once again Hoplite detected an energy signal that was the result of decaying Tachyon particles. Accompanying the signal were several other energy spikes, ranging from electromagnetic disturbance disabling outer-solar satellites to increased galactic radiation storms in the area. A report was immediately filed with the UN II; however, it was also immediately ignored. On March 12th several unidentified craft appeared over Mumbai, the city with the densest and the largest population on Earth. The exact circumstances of the attack are still unknown, but the city was overrun in under an hour. All satellite feed and reconnaissance of the city was interrupted by the aliens. The Asian Commonwealth mobilized a retaliatory force in less than twelve hours, however after a day of intense fighting and unparalleled losses, the AC requested UN aid. With the combined military might of the most powerful Mega-nations on Earth, the alien forces were slowly forced from the city.

Though Mumbai was once again in human hands, media outlets began broadcasting eye witness accounts that disheartened the population. Human losses were staggering; the streets were quite literally littered with pieces of human bodies and entire buildings were painted in blood. Historical monuments were destroyed, modern wonders disappeared, and through it all not a single alien corpse was found. A thorough search of the city revealed not a single drop of alien blood and not a single alien bolt or screw. Military analysts were quick to propose the idea that the aliens never intended to keep the city but that it was a show of their undeniable might. The body count is still rising, and through it all the aliens were not even scratched. This incident has become to be known as the Phantom Invasion.

On March 30th the UN II accessed and implemented the Phalanx Protocols. Humanity desperately needed even the semblance of a victory, or else our morale might utterly collapse. Thus far, Phalanx has been able to chase away a few small UFOs, but every force that has been sent to actively engage the aliens has been destroyed. The original commander of Phalanx, your predecessor, was relieved from command for failing to produce results. Unless you can provide the UN with a victory to show to the public, you too will be nixed.

Currently, Phalanx is operating out of the military bases of whatever nation is most convenient for a given location. Our first base is under construction now, in fact we should be landing there shortly. You do not have the time to mobilize an army; indeed if the Phantom invasion is any indication an army will do you no good. The best soldiers, scientists, scholars, and equipment have been put at the disposal of Phalanx, use those to hurt the aliens in any way that you can. It doesn’t matter if all you do is sting them, humanity needs even something as small as that. However, please keep in mind that the UN still believes that negotiations with the aliens may be possible. As an indication of humanity’s good will and desire to reach a civil end to this conflict, you are to extend basic human rights to the aliens. If you take any of them captive, they are to be treated like any other human POW. This order stands until further notice.

Ah, I see we are about to land. Very well then, commander. Good luck and give those monsters hell.

Offline BTAxis

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Storyline variant: contingency
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2006, 11:33:45 am »
Quote from: "Thought"
Good evening, Commander. I will be your briefing officer. Until we reach home base, we are under level three security lock down. You cannot know my name, I cannot know yours, and until we land this meeting does not exist.

Shouldn't that be "This meeting won't have existed once we land"?

Otherwise, very cool. It's far too big to be a five-line scrolling text, though, so mattn will have to add support for a multi-paged intro text. But as far as I'm concerned, let's use it.

Offline Bandobras

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Storyline variant: contingency
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2006, 02:03:09 am »
I like your original Egypt backstory from the Storyline tread, BTAxis. The business idea, the deal between Egyptians and aliens, and the Egyptian gods as names of aliens/alien ships/alien technology may really play well. OTOH the whole seeding/aiding plot is a bit worn out today. Perhaps not telling anything abut past visits on earth and overall about alien politics may be even better --- then the aliens are more misterious and the player is more likely to know them mostly as aggressors to be feared, just as most attacked people would feel. Those people would not be comforted nor interested in Egyptian connections --- they would fight for their lives in fear and desperation, not knowing what to except next, easy to fool by alien deceptions, anxious to get access to alien weapons but not to their culture and history...

Offline BloodMagus

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Storyline variant: contingency
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2006, 10:08:56 am »
I believe it was pointed out in the original thread that such a story idea was already used in the movie and series Stargate. They did it quite sucessfully, and any attempt at following this path is going to come off as being borrowed from Stargate, regardless of  the fact it wasn't.

The concept of 'seeding' the human species is hardly worn out. Research into the evolution of the human species is still going on, and they haven't got all the answers yet. There certainly still remain some gaps that could be filled in with some extraterrestial manipulation. Anthropologists are still not 100% sure why neanderthals died out and we became dominant.

The question of the politics and motivations of the aliens, not to mention their history, is going to have to be addressed in the game at some point. In the process of fighting one's enemy you're bound to start delving into the culture & history. If choose not to address it I believe the game is going to feel bland and generic, because the game will lack that depth.

Offline Bandobras

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Storyline variant: contingency
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2006, 03:24:45 pm »
Perhaps you are right. But still, I think for most of the game the mistery should be kept. Consequently we don't have to work on the alien culture and history details just yet and I think we should not allow them to complicate the main setup. Later on we can just insert some minor hints into the early game or change a thing or two to be compatible with the alien-human interaction backstory. If big changes are required --- something is wrong.