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Author Topic: Nice spirit ... but won't work :(  (Read 2088 times)

Offline thedepot

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Nice spirit ... but won't work :(
« on: November 02, 2012, 01:29:05 pm »
first of all nice work to devs and contributors, there is the "Ufo" spirit and techs in it !
I'm a big fan of Ufo/xcom series and played almost all games and recently the last 2012 commercial version.

I tried ufoai 1 year ago and didn't post my feeling, i do this time.

Almost playable, the only thing missing fo me to play it is the save/load in combat, if this feature isn't present no way to spent hours, it's just a waste of time.
I know it's a technical issue but with this "bug" you avoid a lot of potential players .. they tried, like me, and stop after some hours because of that.

It's too bad because the fun could be here !

I hope the devs will find a solution, keep going the good work ;)
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 05:55:11 pm by thedepot »

Offline Anarch Cassius

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Re: Nice spirit ... but won't work :(
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 06:19:49 pm »
For an opposing view point. I love this feature. This article explains why:

Frankly I feel having the option to save during combat would be too much of a temptation to cheat and never have to loose a soldier.

Offline thedepot

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Re: Nice spirit ... but won't work :(
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2012, 07:52:25 pm »
I'm just saying saving isn't an option all ufo/xcom games have it, i dont want lose a soldier in battle i prefer reload, it' my way of playing.
After that you could imagine a level of difficulty giving the option every turn, all 5 turns, and never in hardcore mode or whatever ..

Actually it's not a choice it's a technical problem as i saw in forum, and without this option for me (and may be a lot of other ufo/xcom fan) i don't want to play ufoai and prefer wait or play other version.