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Author Topic: The UFOFic project thread.  (Read 39348 times)

Offline Bonzo

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You can be real if you want to be, but you have to find a blue fairy or something first.

Offline Unisol

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Cover competition. This is going to be a real book, so it'll need real graphics for real people to look at.

We'll need to wait until you publish all the book to make relevant graphics. Or is it only for book one?

Offline Gary Bonn

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Hello people

Firedance Books Ltd have agreed to a cover competition.

Both book 1 and 2 will be merged into one publication.

 They have expressed interest in more work for further books.

This all is great news.

As to the cover - Christy and I will be involved in the judging - but so will the Firedance design people. I'm sure They'll accommodate a selection team from UFOAI too. Christy and I have a little weight there - that which you've given us. Although the latest chapter gets the most attention, according to Google analytics, there is a single forum of 700 - 1000 people discussing this - chapter by chapter - but they are about 5 chapters behind. This sounds like serious stuff. Does anyone know where they are and whether they'd like to talk to us?

As to more writing - you will really need to see the final chapters to understand how the whole plan was to work with the game. :)

One Firedance editor has said, 'If you don't develop Safronov and ****** (You haven't met this character yet), I'll kill you'
So it looks like we'll have to work on...

Thank you all for your wonderful enthusiasm. Do produce cover artwork and join in.

Best Wishes

Gary & Christy

Offline kurja

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that's just awesome =D

Offline Nutter

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Safronov is the new fun one you better have a gas mask around, right? Doesn't sound like that much of a problem.
But then again, my storytelling left unmentioned.

Offline Gary Bonn

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Hello Kurja
I have no idea how a cover design competition could be run here. Who would know? any ideas? H-Hour, perhaps? We've also done gesture studies of some characters. Maybe people would like to post their drawings/artwork of the characters/environments...

Hello Nutter
Christy and I getting severe flack for bringing in Safronov so late - and a second character that arrives towards the end of the book. We are also being told by other authors that they want to see these characters develop in another publication.

Breaking news (year 2113): Field-Marshal Safronov has a shower. World removes masks. Mask industry sues... Eau De Safronov available from Chanel...

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You're free to run the competition here on our forums. To be honest, we struggle to get any artwork for the game so you may find it difficult to get enough cover submissions for a contest. Still, it's fine if you want to run it here. If you have any prizes to give out, we'll post a news item for it once you've got it set up.

Offline kurja

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ahem, in case someone's been waiting for them, and apparently haven't been linked to here (yet).

Offline kurja

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chapter 17 has been up for a while...

looks like the authors have forgotten about us  :'(

Offline Bonzo

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Forget about you? Never! Forget about actually editing in the updates after giving the link to the host page... Maybe :P

Good news is the saga continues, and no sign of sequel decay (tvtropes warning) yet. We hope...
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:16:21 am by Bonzo »

Offline Nutter

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Maybe there's nothing to decay?

Offline Bonzo

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Haven't we Grown the Beard yet? Ugh. One would've hoped that by now we'd have got there :P

Offline Nutter

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Hmmm...has Saf washed yet?

Offline Bonzo

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If we're lucky, he might get rained on.

Offline Nutter

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Look for quality improvement at the next rainstorm, then.