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Author Topic: reaction fire by alien causes problem  (Read 2419 times)

Offline jcjordan

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reaction fire by alien causes problem
« on: October 11, 2012, 06:22:17 am »
I've noticed this problem on a few missions where my guy targets an alien during my turn & if the alien reacts by firing back at my guy, there's no graphics of either shooting other than the shooting movement (no firing graphics or projectiles going through the air even rockets) but you do hear the alien's weapon sound effects & only the alien hits me (wounds vary w/ range/weapon) & it seems as though my shot has failed to go off due to the reaction fire by the alien but the ammo is used & no damage to alien seen? I've had knife fight distance shots that should've hit/killed alien but instead my guy is dead/severely wounded instead.

This is the Oct 4th build of 2.5 dev as far as I can tell. If there was a way to save battles in progress, I could have the setup.