it took about 4 or 5 incendiary grenades to kill combat bloodspider, but then i noticed that even when the bloodspider survived it was dead next round, and once a few tiles from where it originally stood.
and 1 or 2 incendiary grenades were enough to kill it, but not on my turn.
and then i tried with my own soldier, and moving the soldier adjacent to fire caused damage about half the health points (didn't try moving into fire, though).
would be optimal if that was time units spent in (or near) fire causing damage, but that may be hard to do, whatever.
it is cool enough that incendiary grenades are special that way.
one candlelight with flamer was not enough to kill the bloodspider, btw.
ok, that's the results of what i tried with incendiary.
then i killed 2 armored ortnoks (from landed harvester) with two sniper rifle shots each, the snipers had competent (about 35) sniper and accuracy skills.
the same snipers did one-shot on shevaar and armored taman (from crashed fighter) in the next battle.
did damage depend on skills?
that makes old-timers even more valuable and new recruits more useless.
sniper rifle has somewhat high one shot damage, and therefore it is useful against armor.
that is, if i remember correctly that armor value is subtracted.
therefore, there doesn't seem to be any reason to use anything else but sniper rifle right from the start in order to train the skill, and assault skill experience seems a waste.
i mean, you can suffer the increased time units cost, but at least it is possible to kill something.