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Author Topic: General Feedback  (Read 6723 times)


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General Feedback
« on: October 25, 2006, 05:21:31 am »
First, I would like to thank everyone involved in the ongoing creation of this game. It's been far to long that a game rivaling X-COM has been available to the public. As a long time fan of the series, all I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU!

I recently downloaded the latest game, wich I believe is RC5, and got started getting familiar with it. I must say, when it is done, this game will rock! I would love to contribute, but I am not a programmer in any way. Although, I feel i can help by providing good feedback.

Until the final version, maybe a few friendly and hopefully constructive items.

1) I have to agree with some of the prior posts on this board that the game difficulty may seem a bit to high. Now, before everyone starts whining at me that I'm lame, I offer that it's not a degree of difficulty issue, as much as an imbalance issue. Example: Japan Hideout mission: An Alien can throw the "power knife" from well beyond the length of the building, wich incidently kills a soldier in kevlar, while my fire team of 3 cannot reaction fire in return. Wich includes a rocket launcher for lords sake! I mean, c'mon guys...  I won't even get started on the range and power of that "tri-beam blue whatever it is" that fires from even farther and takes out a large portion of the area. I know... tactics, tactics, tactics... But as a vet. of the first 3 games, I would say that the curve so far is just a bit high.

2) Grenades. As weak as the intcial grenades are, *sigh* the use of them is rather frustrating. Now for this I have an idea; In real life military grenades are easily accessible, and take hardly any time to arm and get rid of. For game battle, how about this... in the battlescape U.I. have a belt or bandolier item area, wich can be selected and used without big time penalties, just like real world. The interface could be as simple as the inventory item cells being avail. from the main U.I. The current method of going to the inv. screen, removing the weapon from hand to avail inv. space (wich itself is a huge issue of wasted space to account for this procedure) equip. grenade, back to battlescape, arm, throw (if you have any time left from all the moving around) and oh no! now I'm out of time and no weapon in hand!! Aarrggh! All of the "two-handed" weapons in the game so far can be at least held with one hand. I've done it with the OICW rifle, so I know if I can do it, a trained soldier sure can! Wich, can explain why this could be done in game to arm and toss a grenade while in the thick of battle. PLEASE guys, this was always an issue with X-COM, lets fix it.

I have more, but will give this one thig a shot first and not take up to much board space with my ramblings. I'm sorry iif it's to long. It's my first board I've felt compelled to post on, as I believe in what you all are doing. So many things are RIGHT with this game, please don't think I'm just complaining.

Thanks again,

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Re: General Feedback
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2006, 08:03:24 am »
Quote from: "Razor"
All of the "two-handed" weapons in the game so far can be at least held with one hand. I've done it with the OICW rifle, so I know if I can do it, a trained soldier sure can!

You've actually held an OICW in one hand? It looks like it needs at least three to even keep it upright. What a terrible piece of firearms design.



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General Feedback
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 09:35:04 am »
I'm not the terminator.. lol So lets not lose sight of the intent. The fact is that you can prop up even the most ungainly of things to grab a grenade to save your tail!  :wink:

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General Feedback
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2006, 02:25:38 pm »
Quote from: "Razor"
I'm not the terminator.. lol So lets not lose sight of the intent. The fact is that you can prop up even the most ungainly of things to grab a grenade to save your tail!  :wink:

Heh, well, you'll be happy to know that one of our brilliant coders has recently made a new feature that lets you put any one-handed item into your off-hand and use it without penalties, but having something in your off-hand slot disables any two-handed weapons you are holding. You also cannot hold two two-handed weapons at the same time.



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General Feedback
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2006, 11:24:26 am »
It's Great to know that the "off-hand" feature has been implemented. However, Razor has a good point - there should be a belt for some items, like grenades and ammo, that can be used by clicking on them (using the grenade in this way makes the actor to put the current weapon aside (off-hand) and throw the grenade - same with other items). I'm thinking about the quick-slot concept, present in Diablo, where you held your potions and runes. You could do something like that, because as the game is now, grenades are rarely used by soldiers having guns in their hands, thus grenades are somewhat useless.
I'm also considering the "quick-slot" (belt) as a place to keep some ammo clips, to be able to switch the AP ammo with HE ammo easier (I gave just an example).


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General Feedback
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 10:57:11 pm »
Aha! I've found the right place. I've been looking for the right thread to communicate my joy with UFO: AI. As with most others, I'm a fan of the XCOM series and I've been pining for that kind of game. Along came the Gamespy article a few months ago and I tried to play RC3. It was tantalizingly close to working, but it just didn't make for my system. Huh, I thought, this looks really great, too bad it doesn't work. I'll put it aside for a while and hope that someone is still working on it.

Some months later and I still couldn't help from thinking about how great that game seemed. I came back to the home page and lo! RC5! It works! It's beautiful! It's incredibly fun! Man, you all are doing it right. Thank you so much. Keep up the stellar work. If cheering can help, sign me up!

So far I haven't found any real game killing bugs. In fact, I've only found one minor one. Once, I had a character end his move half in and half out of a wall. I tried to take a screen picture but couldn't figure out how  :oops:. I was unable to move him out of the wall and an alien came before his next turn and killed him.

My one other suggestion (for now): is there any way (currently or in the future) to change the angle of the camera? I can spin it, I can view from the character's viewpoint (which is an unbelievably sweet idea - nice one), but I can't change the pitch of the camera. It'd be nice if it's not a total pain in the neck to implement.

Thanks again for your efforts. The game is looking like a million bucks.



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« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2006, 01:41:54 am »

Glad you are enjoying the game. Rest assured, there are plenty of quirks with RC5, but we are hoping to release a RC6 around the end of the week which will hopefully fix most of the major ones.

It is possible to change the camera pitch, use the "r" and "f" keys or the "ins" and "delete" keys. More default key-bindings can be found here:


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« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2006, 06:06:23 pm »

I know about RC6 and I can't wait!

Funny, I looked through those key-bindings (I've seen you post that link elsewhere for similar questions :) ) but I must have misunderstood "turn up" and "turn down". Thanks!

One other suggestion/question. I know that this would change the feel/difficulty of the game, but what about a save option during a mission? I'm sorry if this has been brought up before and I just haven't stumbled across it. From a convenience standpoint (it's time for work, "honey stop playing that game right now!" etc.) it would be very nice.

Ooh! One more! While we're talking about key-bindings, perhaps the "i" key could open/close inventories?


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General Feedback
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2006, 11:09:07 pm »
I agree that a save feature in-mission would be outstanding! For similar reasons too! My wife and kids are always pulling me away... lol Not to mention that the previous games had them as well, and was a major feature for me and all I knew who played. Now, can it be abused? Sure. But having it as an option, doesn't mean you have to use it if you are a die hard no save kind of person. So its nice to have options.

I played through the whole of RC5 and had a few things I found I thought I wuold mention. If they are being fixed, sorry to go over old territiry. If not, cool... Here they are...

The most Major is concerning reaction fire. When I reserve tu's for this it takes it out of my current tu allocation. When it is utilized, it takes it away from the next turns avail time units????? How frustrating!! Example: Actor crouched, double checkmarked for reaction fire with 30 TU's. End turn. Alien shows up, actor takes a shot or two. Next turn, he starts round with 6 or 9 time units!!! WTF? Why did I reserve any if they come out of NEXT turn allocation? Ok, so I'm passionate about this one. Sorry. It just doesnt make sense to me.

I think I found a bug with the grenade launcher. When crouched, after taking a shot the actor swings back and forth with the gun. end of alien round resets him. I figured you would want to know.

Having to buy back my own weapons after a mission if the actor is killed. Now this is silly. I understand the idea about auto-selling items and loot, to help streamline the game and take out some of the busywork. But being double penalized for a loss of life? wow, hard core. Not to mention the common sense approach would be that Phalanx is collection the items, and would return my own weapons once recovered. I think this needs some attention.

Wich is a nice segway for the cost of Buildings. I'll start by saying I love a challenge, and working hard to gain a reward. Saving $ and balancing things out is a great part of x-com. But, I found a typical mission is netting something like 45-75K. Well, not bad. But concidering a UFO hanger cost about $1 Million...? Another perspective is that nano armor is 75k to produce at the base. 1 mission, 1 set of armor. and usually you have lost someone along the way as the aliens are no pushovers to be sure. Ending in a vicious cycle of income - expences that eventually get you knowwhere. Not even the wekly funding is sufficent enough to make strides in this area. This needs some readjustment. Maybe having more funding from the nation-states on a weekly basis. Or, my favorite part of Apocalypse, give us someone else to fight besides the aliens, ie: a sympathectic organization to the aliens, or a organized crime syndicate. This would allow a new dynamic to the game, and give us a few options on $ generation, and skill training for the troops. Not to mention a toned down, more evenly matched foe to battle in new environments and with different tactics.

I cant seem to direct my interceptors or dropship once I have them "started". Setting up a patrol path for my interceptors to search for alien ships, or have them in the air on a rotating standby would be nice.

Last thing for this post. There seems to be no way to get rid of a base you might not want or need anymore. As well as not being able to have access to anyone in that base unless a dropship hanger is installed, thus also being the only way to equip the troops. (this is bad, very bad). I should be able to station troops in a new base to defend it from the alien scumbags with just a elevator, living space, and a storeroom. Common sense again right? Gives it time to become more built up and formidable, especially concidering the $ situation to build anything. Yikes!

As usual, I give mad props to the powers that be, as I love this game already, and totally apreachiate the hard work and time you all put in on it. I might be a bit verbose, but i feel explaining things as I see them helps in some way, and of course, I only mean things as friendly constructive critisisms, or helpful ideas. Can't wait for RC6!


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« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2006, 12:45:56 am »
Believe it or not I forgot something! lol

I know it is a time honored tradition of the x-cam series that civilians are incredibly stupid, and love to run to the aliens to be slaughtered in a timely fasion. Now, we have a chance to make things a bit more realistic in this sense. How about this.... what do we see happening in every tv show, movie, or real world event? We see the combatants who run into the innocent, beg and plead with them to fal back to safety, or get cover, or just run the other way for gods sake! For our game purpous we could have it like this.... Soldier identifies a civilian, (line of sight, or radius) thus prompts them to tell the civilian to go to safety. Ok, I know there is no speach in game, just go with the idea here... The safety zone could be on or near the dropship, or in the opposite direction from the precieved threat. Now, obviously the Aliens are looking for the civi's, so this would bring them in closer to the team, and forcing a new dynamic to the game... securing the area and moving on.. or leaving people behind to protect the civi's. It's an intersting concept, and more along the lines of reality.  

the incendiary missile doesnt catch anything on fire.

No worries, as nothing in game can be destroied anyway. lol I have read on other topics about this issue, and must sigh in resignation that even though every x-com game has had the ability to burn wheat fields to uncover a hiding alien, or blast through a wall with a cannon to make an easier ingress/egress point, it looks to not be so with UFO AI.  :(  Maybe ver. 2?


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Re: General Feedback
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2008, 05:09:10 pm »
Hi there.

I am very new to this game. I played it for a few hours now and I am very impressed by your work. Thanks for a few fun hours.

Unfortunately it was only a few hours. I tried to complete a mission without any civilian casualties. But this is so incredibly difficult! This sums it up:

I know it is a time honored tradition of the x-cam series that civilians are incredibly stupid, and love to run to the aliens to be slaughtered in a timely fasion. Now, we have a chance to make things a bit more realistic in this sense. How about this.... what do we see happening in every tv show, movie, or real world event? We see the combatants who run into the innocent, beg and plead with them to fal back to safety, or get cover, or just run the other way for gods sake! For our game purpous we could have it like this.... Soldier identifies a civilian, (line of sight, or radius) thus prompts them to tell the civilian to go to safety. Ok, I know there is no speach in game, just go with the idea here... The safety zone could be on or near the dropship, or in the opposite direction from the precieved threat. Now, obviously the Aliens are looking for the civi's, so this would bring them in closer to the team, and forcing a new dynamic to the game... securing the area and moving on.. or leaving people behind to protect the civi's. It's an intersting concept, and more along the lines of reality.

Is there anything planned along those lines? It just isn't a lot of fun seeing how there is a way out for those folks, but they stupidly run into the enemy...

Am I overlooking something?



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Re: General Feedback
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2008, 10:34:07 pm »
I think it was mentioned somewhere in the forum that civs will have some more "AI" later and try to hide from alien fire.