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Author Topic: A list of models UFO:AI needs  (Read 38249 times)

Offline Mattn

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A list of models UFO:AI needs
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2006, 06:51:10 am »
Hi kaeau,

i would be great to have a modeller in our team. we really need some members of thie rarely available species :-D

I had a look at some of your renderings at - looks good.
nevertheless there are a few things you have to keep in mind if you want to provide models for ufo:ai - you have to release them under the creative commons licence (you still own and copyrighted the models - see our wiki for more info - and you are still in our credits of course). As you may have read already we have a list of models we need in our wiki - see this article for more info. and against thanks for your offer to help.

ah... one thing: please also have a look at the polycount stuff in our modelling article (available in the wiki, too)

best regards and hope to see you in our team


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A list of models UFO:AI needs
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2006, 10:49:28 am »
yes, i was aware of the CC license release, and, well, no problem.
and: i ll check the list and specs, but for first, i ll upload a package with models onto the webserver tonight, which contains all the city stuff, i made for our sleeping beauty "c. corperations"

check out the screenshots, all this stuff is available as *max models + textures, and im quite sure it will be within the polycount ranges, because i designed everything as low poly as possible for the city enviroments in "C.".

ok, so read ya later!


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A list of models UFO:AI needs
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2006, 11:35:39 am »
Hi kaeau :)

The screenshots of your work looks excellent 8) I think they would fit in perfectly in UFO:AI.
I wouldn't worry about the format (.max files in this case) you send us. If neccessary we'll convert them to the needed format anyway.

On a related note:
In general we try to move to Opensource software (e.g Gimp, Blender, Wings3D) and use these formats for your artwork-'sources' as good as we can, but this isn't a 'must' in any way.
One of the main reasons is that this way everybody can change the files later on no matter what operation system he uses and if he has access to a version of max (or other software) or not.
But I believe you know that already ;)



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A list of models UFO:AI needs
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2006, 05:50:55 pm »
hi hoehrer!

ok, sure, the max format is for the source files only, it is never a format used by games or other 3d applications. but:
i can export the models as *.3ds  or *.wrl or anything like that easily, so they can imported vis a vis in any other 3d modelling software..

ok, and, as said, i would appriciate it, if someone could take care of the process converting the models in a usable format for now (md2?) in first place, because there is much work still ahead of me in my company.

one additional model to show, ready to go is the mobile hq, if needed:
(also low poly, and sure in range, we planned c. coperations with massive use of models in mind (cities), so everthing is as low poly as possible.)

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and weapons, i have found in the depth of the nathan directories:
combat shotgun
kind of plasma thrower:
some other weapons:
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oh, and trees, well, i have some from the works for "gods dawn", and other boring (sorry:) ) enviroment stuff like stone bolders, more foliage (png alpha textures), ..
--searching on in the directories of holy nathan ai---
*edit 3 off


Offline Mattn

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A list of models UFO:AI needs
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2006, 09:32:53 pm »
wow - some really good looking work.

as i already mentioned in the other thread i really love this chaingun - maybe we can use it for our dropships and interceptors. and maybe even in game.

if you convert the max files, please also submit the max files - because there might be some information that get lost if you export it into another format - but as hoerher already said - another format that other modelling tools are able to read would be very nice, too.

btw. do you have a account? then i can give you write access to svn to upload your models.

best regards


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A list of models UFO:AI needs
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2006, 09:40:57 pm »
sourceforge: yes i .. had one.
will look, if  i can find the access codes anywhere..