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Author Topic: Question about difficult level and about the monthly update (news)  (Read 3846 times)

Offline Kobold

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When i start a new campain there i can choose between the different difficult level, what exactly means this? the fight between airships and ufo's or the combat in battlescape or both?

and my other question is about the news, i read in the news message (Monthly update for April, 2012) and i found a intresting thing about the AI improvement (AI checks now also for clear line-of-fire before shooting).
Are the news infos (Monthly update for April, 2012) from 2.5dev or from 2.4? or 2.4dev? and how can i download it?

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Question about difficult level and about the monthly update (news)
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 04:13:04 pm »
When i start a new campain there i can choose between the different difficult level, what exactly means this? the fight between airships and ufo's or the combat in battlescape or both?

The difficulty level does not affect airfight or battlescape missions. But it affects at which point in the game the aliens start to use better (and probably more dangerous) equipment.

Offline bayo

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Re: Question about difficult level and about the monthly update (news)
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 05:30:38 pm »
Are the news infos (Monthly update for April, 2012) from 2.5dev or from 2.4? or 2.4dev? and how can i download it?

There is no more News is usually for the last dev version, which is ATM

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Question about difficult level and about the monthly update (news)
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 05:48:39 pm »
Campaign difficulty also effects the number of recruits you start the game with, the minimum level of nation happiness before you lose, the credits you start with. Here's the list of campaigns in the UFO file:

Code: [Select]
campaign veryhard
name "_Very Hard Campaign"
text "_veryhard_campaign_txt"
team "phalanx"
soldiers 8
scientists 6
workers 6
pilots 4
difficulty 4
minhappiness 0.42
maxdebts 50000
xvirate 30
firstbase balanced
researched rslist_phalanx
equipment campaign_player
soldierequipment phalanx_initial
market campaign_initial_market
asymptotic_market campaign_asymptotic_market
credits 1300000
map "map_earth"
visible true
events main

date "2084 79 6"
basecost 100000

campaign hard
name "_Hard Campaign"
text "_hard_campaign_txt"
team "phalanx"
soldiers 8
scientists 6
workers 6
pilots 4
difficulty 2
minhappiness 0.35
maxdebts 100000
xvirate 50
salary {
soldier_base 4000
firstbase balanced
researched rslist_phalanx
equipment campaign_player
soldierequipment phalanx_initial
market campaign_initial_market
asymptotic_market campaign_asymptotic_market
credits 1300000
map "map_earth"
visible true
events main

date "2084 79 6"
basecost 100000

campaign main
name "_Standard Campaign"
text "_standard_campaign_txt"
team "phalanx"
soldiers 9
scientists 10
workers 10
pilots 6
difficulty 0
minhappiness 0.30
maxdebts 200000
xvirate 70
salary {
    soldier_base 1500
soldier_rankbonus 0
worker_base 500
worker_rankbonus 0
scientist_base 1000
scientist_rankbonus 0
pilot_base 1500
pilot_rankbonus 0
robot_base 7500
robot_rankbonus 0
aircraft_factor 1
aircraft_divisor 25
base_upkeep 20000
admin_initial 1000
admin_soldier 75
admin_worker 75
admin_scientist 75
admin_pilot 75
admin_robot 150
debt_interest 0.005
firstbase balanced
researched rslist_phalanx
ugvs 2
equipment campaign_player
soldierequipment phalanx_initial
market campaign_initial_market
asymptotic_market campaign_asymptotic_market
credits 1300000
map "map_earth"
visible true
events main

date "2084 79 6"
basecost 100000

campaign easy
name "_Easy Campaign"
text "_easy_campaign_txt"
team "phalanx"
soldiers 25
scientists 16
workers 10
pilots 8
difficulty -2
minhappiness 0.2
maxdebts 350000
xvirate 80
salary {
soldier_base 3000
firstbase balanced
researched rslist_phalanx
equipment campaign_player
soldierequipment phalanx_initial
market campaign_initial_market
asymptotic_market campaign_asymptotic_market
credits 1300000
map "map_earth"
visible true
events main

date "2084 79 6"
basecost 100000

campaign veryeasy
name "_Very Easy Campaign"
text "_veryeasy_campaign_txt"
team "phalanx"
soldiers 35
scientists 26
workers 20
pilots 10
difficulty -4
minhappiness 0.1
maxdebts 500000
xvirate 90
salary {
    soldier_base 1500
soldier_rankbonus 0
worker_base 500
worker_rankbonus 0
scientist_base 1000
scientist_rankbonus 0
pilot_base 1500
pilot_rankbonus 0
robot_base 7500
robot_rankbonus 0
aircraft_factor 1
aircraft_divisor 25
base_upkeep 20000
admin_initial 1000
admin_soldier 75
admin_worker 75
admin_scientist 75
admin_pilot 75
admin_robot 150
debt_interest 0.005
firstbase balanced
researched rslist_phalanx
equipment campaign_player
soldierequipment phalanx_initial
market campaign_initial_market
asymptotic_market campaign_asymptotic_market
credits 1300000
map "map_earth"
visible true
events main

date "2084 79 6"
basecost 100000

Offline Kobold

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Re: Question about difficult level and about the monthly update (news)
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2012, 09:09:44 pm »
There is no more News is usually for the last dev version, which is ATM
You sure that the updates only for 2.5dev?

Why is this file "" from today??? this is 2.4 stable (updated?)
and "" this is 2.4 stable too from 25.04

anyone know where the differents is?

Offline kurja

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Re: Question about difficult level and about the monthly update (news)
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2012, 09:23:07 pm »
can't speak from The Mouth Of Ultimate Truth, but I'm pretty sure the stable release gets updated as there are bug fixes etc, but new features and such only get added to dev version.

Offline kurja

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Re: Question about difficult level and about the monthly update (news)
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2012, 09:25:22 pm »
25.4 version would be the original stable 2.4 release, later one ofc with the bug fixes and such updates... afaik