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Author Topic: Winning strategy?  (Read 10002 times)

Offline Flyshberg

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Winning strategy?
« on: May 27, 2012, 10:46:48 am »

I've read much about tactics, but I'm interested in an overall winning strategy, not in battle tactics. I won the game with version 2.2, but in version 2.3 I stopped playing when I lost South America despite of winning all of my battles. Now I'm looking for a winning strategy.

Here are some hints what a winning strategy might include:

- where to build the main and the minor bases (base extensions)
- how to develop the bases (which sections to build and how many of them)
- focus on research (order of research)
- base defense
- organization of air combat (number and types of aircraft)
- prevent countries from surrendering
- production

I just like to have a feasible solution.

Best regards,

« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 06:34:05 pm by Flyshberg »

Offline geisthund

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2012, 04:59:53 pm »
- where to build the main and the minor bases (base extensions)

I started out in india with a multifunctional base, then to north america with another multifunctional base. these were where alien activity appeared to be highest for me. (In between I planted radar coverage as diffusely as I could)

third base was in south america for r&d, where alien activity appeared to be low.

fourth and fifth bases were in australia (low activity) clustered with 3 shipyards, so that I can strip down ships fast and build new ones concurrently, or else just strip down two ships at the same time. they are purely manufacturing bases

sixth base in africa, between north america and india as a platform for staging responses since activity appeared highest here at this point.

seventh base in the south pole

eighth base on a tiny island between africa and america, simply to complete radar coverage

- how to develop the bases (which sections to build and how many of them)

each was different. the first two bases were mixed bases with elements of everything in them - manufacturing, research and response. this was necessary at the start to build momentum.

the subsequent bases were specialized, to provide support to the first two, except for my africa base which is purely a reponse platform since i noticed so much activity there. (and subsequently found an alien base)

- focus on research (order of research)

primarily on alien weapons and armour so i would always have the edge in combat, and then later on the alien backstory, and lastly the human weapons, most of which were pretty awful (lasers? seriously??) except for the coilgun, except that has such a large cartridge with only 2 shots (eh?) its utility is hampered.

- base defense

i rarely ever get base attacks for some reason. each base is pretty heavily defended with air cover and 3 laser turrets. when it does happen its kinda fun. In another thread users talk about organizing the layout of their bases to cluster incoming aliens. I didn't think of this so my aliens come from multiple directions. generally i get all my troops to go to a hanger, and the aliens are usually there.

- organization of air combat (number and types of aircraft)

initially the two mixed bases had a firebird and two stilettos each, changing to a firebird and two saracans each.

the extra bases as they came up generally just had 1 saracan. fitted with alien armour and particle guns they still pack a punch, although sometimes they run out of ammo.

towards the later part of the game i replaced my firebirds with herakles just to see what difference they made. the answer is almost none.
I did not ever build any advanced hybrid fighters because the requirements in terms of alien materials are just too much, and i have better things to do with them like turn out weapons.

one thing i missed from x com was being able to manufacture certain things cheap and sell them for a big profit - to help boost my economy.

there were instances when my cash fell as low as $20k.

with the above strategy, eventually i wound up with a steady state income balance of 1.4 million, including all the salvaging and resale of weapons that i generate from intercepting all UFOs. It is slowly creeping up now that the corrupters have appeared on the scene.

- prevent countries from surrendering

I never faced this problem for some reason :\
I guess the best way is to just shoot down every last UFO and kill every alien by hand. I don't use autocomplete because more civvies die that way, although I've read that your soldiers level faster?

also i don't lose missions and soldiers. initially for the largest part of the game this was simply because they were better armed and armoured than the aliens

towards the end now the aliens have weapons that really pack a punch, but i can't bear to see my lieutenants or warrant officers die so either i heal them in combat (all carry medpacks) or else I reload if any fall in 1 shot.
I guess that's why the countries are happy with me.

the final alien base mission is hard, because of the number of aliens and they way they flow. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but the aliens are setup in "zones", and after clearing one zone, stepping into another results in aliens coming at you from two directions. they tend to focus on 1 character at a time, so its difficult to survive with a full team. still trying to do that, for my ego - otherwise i've won the game multiple times losing 1 soldier out of 8. I really wish there were mines in this game that I could chuck into the corridors...

Offline Sarin

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2012, 07:28:24 pm »
My usual:

HQ-Cyprus or somewhere around there. Interceptor/dropship/research oriented. First workshop base right next to it, as well as UFO yard. Workshop and offbase defences provide cover against enemies.

Second base, north of Gulf of Mexico. Interceptor/dropship base with integrated defense, workshop base next to it.

Third interceptor/dropship base at southeast Asia, same setting as second.

Radar 1: South Africa, 3x SAM site next to it.
Radar 2: East Siberia, same defense.
Radar 3: South America, same defense.

All three bases with interceptors have 1x Stiletto, later upgraded to Stingray, and 1x Saracen (this is for knocking down scouts/fighters, with two PB cannons it's enough, so I don't waste AM).

Team equipment: 2x snipers, 2x explosive/special guys (GL, RL later changed to another special weapon), 2x machine gunners, 2x close/assault specialists (flamer and assault rifle, later upgraded to plasma rifle). Everyone carries a IR goggles, medikit, couple on grenades, secondary weapon with two reloads, and at least two reloads for main weapon. Assaults also get flashbangs, and if there is space troops also get knife or later monomolecular blade.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 07:30:19 pm by Sarin »

Offline geisthund

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 08:11:55 pm »
is there any advantage of the monomolecular over the plasma?

Offline kurja

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 08:22:53 pm »
is there any advantage of the monomolecular over the plasma?

monomolecular knife over the plasma blade? plasma blade is a single use item.

Offline Salvo

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2012, 12:14:04 am »
I don't use autocomplete because more civvies die that way, although I've read that your soldiers level faster?
The opposite. They don't level at all! The kill count and the mission count go up but soldier stats do not improve. I'm playing version 2.4 here. Not sure if that matters.

- In my last game, I put my first base at the spot where Asia, Russia and Middle-East borders meet. Seemed like a good starting move.
- I guess you could build your 2nd base in South America. It seems to get unhappy quite fast.
- I keep 2 small hangars at each base for 2 Stiletto interceptors. Craft equipment: 3x SHIVA cannons, ECM, Targeting Comp, no armor. I never shoot down Harvesters. Both Stilettos are scrambled against any Fighter UFOs. I don't use Saracen interceptors or missiles at all.
- If you're feeling lucky, you could try to coordinate an attack against a Harvester with 4-6 Stilettos. Just be prepared to lose one of the Stilettos. Or if the Harvester will pass near the base, give a retreat order to the Stiletto it's firing at. With any luck, the Stiletto won't be destroyed while the other 3 can pound it for good measure. Make sure to attack with the right pair of Stilettos first, so their home base is the one nearby. All this requires some precision. Set up an ambush point somewhere along the Harvester's flight path and let it fly to your 4x Stiletto squadron. Then give it a warm welcome with all those SHIVA cannons. Engage it when it's close enough for your weapons. Often the Harvester won't open fire until you've attacked it first!
- The first base is the only base that gets a large hangar. I don't keep any other ground assault teams.
- Reserve 300-500k of money for building your second base. Reserve 500k for building each base after that.
- I don't hesitate to use the end-of-the-month fire&rehire exploit to save funds.
- Build a UFO yard as soon as possible. Start collecting UFOs. Even if it takes a long time before you can start disassembling them.
- Research gets priority over manufacture. Build a lab cluster first. Then focus on manufacturing/disassembly. Wait until there are enough scientists to hire before building labs.
- Eventually you'll want: one base with 5 labs, one base with 5 workshops.
- Note that some new researched items appear in the global market. This means you don't have to manufacture them, so don't waste precious workshop time to produce things you could simply buy.
- When building a new base, first build modules that are quickest to build - that is, Living Quarters and Storage. When LQ is built, hire 2-4 soldiers to defend the place. Remember to buy guns for them.
- Manufacture stuff in small batches, not large ones.
- Be very very cautious which base modules to build. Some of them are nasty expensive.
- Use cheap weapons in battles. Use the more expensive weapons sparingly. Some weapons are more useful when sold instead of used. No need to use a plasma grenade against a wounded Taman. (One does not simply draw a line between the strategic and the tactical elements.)
- Note that at some point you have access to an improved radar. So whatever your base's initial detection range is, don't hesitate to leave some gap and put some distance between your bases, which the advanced radar will later close up.
- If you don't feel like sending a ground team against an UFO, shoot it down over water. So decide first whether you want a ground team to handle the UFO before actually shooting it down.

Offline Flyshberg

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2012, 07:16:41 pm »
Thank you very much. That's much stuff for me to think about.

Offline bit5nip3r

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2012, 07:08:08 pm »
Hi there,

I have 5 bases, which now have individual purposes.

BS1 - In Russia on the Border between Europe, Russia and Middle-Eastern Alliance (Purpose: Research (60 Scientists), Interception x1 Saracen, DropShip x1 Firebird) has UFO Yard 1 next to it for researching new craft.
BS2 - In North America (mexico area) on the border between the two nations (Purpose: Production (40 Workers), Inteception x1 Saracen, Dropship x1 Firebird) has UFO Yard 2 for dissemblying UFOs
BS3 - Africa (Purpose: Interception x1 Saracen, Dropship x1 Firebird)  Soon to have my first Stingray Interceptor
BS4 - The Commonwealth (Purpose: Production (40 Workers), Inteception x1 Saracen, Dropship x1 Firebird) has UFO Yard 3 for dissemblying UFOs
BS5 - South America (Purpose: Fast Aircraft Production (50 Workers)

With these 5 bases and the advanced radar, and smaller radar sites, I cover every bit of the Earth, except for the Antartic.

I think the trick is to have your bases near multiple borders to try and cover as much area as possible with your radars, in conjunction with Radar sites.  When you first start off then your first base is going to be multifunctional, but then switch to a purpose built base setup with subsequent bases.  You soon realise that you run out of space to build if you keep them multifunctional.

Each base has two Laser Turrets, but my BS5 base has a SAM as well.  I have about 5-6 Radars sites and 4 or so SAMs. 

I would say build bases slowly, maybe building up two fully funcitonal bases first, that way you can keep your credits up.  I tended to build new infrastructure when the Nations paid me at the end of each month.

I agree with geisthund:

1. best to research Alien tech first
2. base defences. Go for the Continuous Wave laser, gives you the Base Laser Turrent  (in 2.4 this seems to be the highest form of base defence)
3. Other stuff.
4. Story stuff.

Salvo is right: Research takes priority.  When you first start your base has workshops.  Get rid of them, put in more labs, sack your workers, hire more scientists.  Increase your research capabiltities.  You will get access to new tech faster, and will allow you to hit the Aliens harder much earlier in the game.

I tend to have x2 partical beams per Saracen and alien aircraft plating.  This allows the Saracens at least to shoot down scouts and fighters.  I leave harvesters to land - this means I can send in a Firebird to recover 100% of the craft and thus gain the most in Alien Materials and Anti-Matter.  I'm about 90 hours away from my first Stingray (currently being built at BS5) so will then trial it against some of the UFOs to see how it fairs.  My goal is to ship to BS3 and for it to become a major interceptor for the southern hemisphere.  So far BS3 has 2 anti-matter storage silios so it will be interesting to see how much AM gets used per interception.

Prevent countries from Leaving
I generally sell them the scouts and fighters which keeps them happy.  Also making sure you conduct patrols with your Saracens in the countries that are less happy with you.  Of course building infrastructure as well in those countries will make them happy.

As you have researched Alien tech first you can auto sell the stuff you don't want or need.  I auto sell things like Plasma pistols etc. - I now make about 55000 to 70000 per mission from sellling this, so as a result have about 2.2m.  Also you can sell Alien detection, Astrgation, Partical Beams you remove from UFOs, but leave enough if you want to build a hybrid interceptor.  I suspect though that you will need a fast and tough craft to take down the bigger UFOs later on in the game.  Partical Beams sell for about 11,000, and I have about 24 of them to sell.  Hhmm, so another 264,000 credits sitting there.  The advanced radar pays off because UFOs stay on my scopes for longer, which means I can get to them, and results in around 5-8 missions per wave.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 09:04:10 pm by bit5nip3r »

Offline geisthund

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2012, 07:20:51 pm »
oh yeah. i forgot I have two stingrays, one in india and one at my radar base. doh.

you're so going to love them. ridiculously good at taking down UFOs, but also burn antimatter.

since getting my stingrays i've only ever used them for taking down harvesters. the saracans with 2x particle guns and alien armor can usually take down fighters by themselves without much trouble.

I guess that is also why i'm always low on antimatter -- i tend to shoot harvesters down.

Just wondering if it would be possible to recover a teeny bit of antimatter per shot down UFO, maybe 10-20... even despite the huge explosion there could still be a trace left over right? Then I'd have a little less incentive to let harvesters land just so I can cannibalize them (which is so... wrong. exposing civilians to human assault just so i can take their goody bags??)

Offline bit5nip3r

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2012, 07:50:12 pm »
Forgot to add:


I've never lost a solider, but they have been injured.  I use plasma blasters and heavy machine guns (these are my favourites) as part of my 8 man strike teams, with night googles, nanocomposite armour and medikits for each.  I did think about the plasma grenades and throw those in front of my team to sweep out the enemy but then there maybe civies in the way, so stuck with the heavy weapons.  I don't really bother with any other weapons as most of the human ones are pittiful, and can be put your soliders in awkard positions.  I once had a alien sneek up on a solider who was carrying a grenade launcher.  Now if I had used the grenade launcher I would have lost a solider.  Instead, solider is moved away, and another solider chops the alien to bits with their machine gun.

My strategy is simple, shoot, duck and hide, and span out my troops in two man teams to sweep the terrain.  That way, if a solider gets hit, his co-solider can wip out the medikit.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 07:54:46 pm by bit5nip3r »

Offline geisthund

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2012, 08:11:57 pm »
if you have plasma blades, that would have been a great moment to holster the grenade launcher and stick one into the alien. the number of time units required is low, and the aliens never have time to RF.

just as an aside - just how does one use the night vision goggles? nothing seems to happen when I click the icon. And I notice I can hold them in my hand and I get two use options... (which I haven't tried)... but who takes their night goggles off to use them anyway?!?

Offline bit5nip3r

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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2012, 09:07:34 pm »
I have noticed that when you click on the night vision button, you do lose time units.  So I assume they have been put on their heads.  Maybe a UI tweak is in order to alert you that goggles are activated.  Other than that haven't noticed any real improvement in visibility.  I generally tried to avoid night time missions, and make my firebird wait right next to a crash site if need be , just to get it to land at day.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 09:14:41 pm by bit5nip3r »


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Re: Winning strategy?
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2012, 09:35:10 pm »
just as an aside - just how does one use the night vision goggles? nothing seems to happen when I click the icon. And I notice I can hold them in my hand and I get two use options... (which I haven't tried)... but who takes their night goggles off to use them anyway?!?
IR-googles is short range, very short. But it's very useful sometimes because it's able to see through floor and walls. Very useful for quick check for alien before entering room/building.

My winning strategy includes two Saracens on every base (ok, first one have two Stilettos). Pair of Saracens with particle beams can shoot down everything except of Corruptor. Against Harvester there is 50% chance to lose one Saracen, though. All aircraft have polymer armor. There is no use for alien aircraft armor - for Corruptor or Harvester i have Stingray, others can be shoot down by Saracens very quickly and without any problems. Until i have got Stingray i never attacked Harvesters. This saved me a lot of money and provided with HUGE amount of antimatter (i captured them all on landing).
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 09:47:03 pm by Nokim »