Phalanx happend to survive for another month. Played a couple of missions, the usual crashed Fighter and Scout Ufos. Research of Aerial Laser Cannon was finished and we started to produce them immediately. The first interceptor now is equipped with only Laser Cannons, saving a lot of money when shooting down Ufos. As our Assault Rifles are quite ineffective against alien armour, scientists are researching Plasma Rifle now.
The Africa Base is still under construction, I hope to get it working soon. Also a third UFO-Yard was ordered.
Picture of Africa Base under construction.
Fuel dump map. Alpha Squad was on the way back to home base, coming from a crashed fighter mission when the Harvester UFO landed.
First goal is to get the Bomb Kit next to the Hummer and place it in front of the gate. The aliens are Tamans with Plasma Grenades and Kerrblades, accompanied by Bloodspiders. Not a dangerous task it seems.
Jon picks up the Bomb Kit here.
This Taman killed a Civilian with a grenade and finds himself without cover afterwards. He tries to hide within the trees, but his red superman outfit is a real problem here. Crystan, who does not like to see civvies killed right in front of him, takes a shot and the red dressed alien now is a dead alien.
Jon opened the gate by placing the Bomb Kit. More aliens show up ...
... and get killed one by one.
Again we secured a fully intact Harvester UFO.