The incoming funds are used to pimp up America North. Screenshot taken using H-Hour´s new, upcoming User Interface the team is working on.
The Power Plant, Radar and a Small Hangar are under cunstruction now. If everything goes well, the base will be working within twelve days. Some money is preserved for a Stileto Interceptor and some equipment needed for the base defenders.
Seven new recruits are also available. Five are hired to defend North America in case the aliens get greedy. Though I do not expect this to be the case. Market runs out on grenades, Medikits and IR-googles as I order the stuff to equip the new soldiers.
Meanwhile, another UFO is detected near the Phalanx HQ. Same type as the previous ones. Two Sparrowhawks and one round out of the Shiva are enough to take this one down. None of the UFOs did return fire so far, they are obviously unarmed. Making this an easy job for the pilot of interceptor Stileto I. Out of bed, guys! Firebird I takes off to recover the UFO.
Bunker map. We expect three hostiles. Will probably not be easy to find them in this building.
Four teams. The Assault & Close guys go inside, while the GLs & Sniper watch the open area. First contact is made by Jon_dArc. Another one of the red/grey bastards, armed with a plasma grenade. Unfortunately he is to far away to take a shot with the Riot Shotgun. A nearby
civvie army soldier makes things even worse. Jon´s teammate, Allison Zhang, takes an Aimed Shot with the Assault rifle, ... and scores a hit over twenty squares! Damn, the alien survives.
Next turn another alien shows up next to the first one. Completely unarmed. The civvie/soldier hides around the corner, so we have a clear LoF this time. Still too far for Jon and his Shotgun. He takes two aimed shots with the pistol instead, scratching some paint off the wall nearby the small passage. Thierry Zhang takes a Timed Snap Shot with the GL. Fail. The grenade slips through the door into the room behind the aliens. Hopefully it did at least some splash damage. Femke Sivertsen and Allison Zhang both Full Auto the invaders with the Assault Rifle, the latter one scoring again and bringing one down. Meanwhile Azibo Vyhodcev and Marco Suzuki slowly advance on the other side of the map.
The alien advances near enough for Jon_dArc to take advantage of his primary weapon. 33% to hit, another alien corpse, scattered on the battlefield. Unfortunately he also scored a hit on Thierry Zhang. Femke Sivertsen gives First aid wit the Medikit. Those guys are not gonna be friends soon. More bad news - the civvie soldier did not hide around the corner, instead he was wounded to death on the hallway, out of sight from our soldiers. Now he dies, matrix style.
We detect the last alien, standing around the corner one floor below two soldier civvies. This one is armed with a knife. A huge knife. Allison Zhang takes a Snap Shot with the Assault Rifle but fails to hit. Soldiers avancing from all around.
Despite being shot, the alien does not move during his turn. Allison Zhang kills it with a 3-round-burst next turn. Mission complete.
We could store the UFO in our UFO-yard, but we will not have time to research it soon, so it´s sold to The Commonwealth of Oceania, gaining an additional profit of 9182 credits.