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Author Topic: MG now worthless [2.5]  (Read 1939 times)

Offline Omnivore

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MG now worthless [2.5]
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:14:49 am »
Breaking this off into a new topic rather than continuing to derail the sniper rifle discussion.

The MG in 2.5-dev may now be more realistic, however it is now largely worthless.  The grenade launcher pretty much replaces the MG as the squad support weapon of choice early on since the much reduced crouched position accuracy of the MG removes any advantages it held.

I would propose that until such time as prone animations are added, that crouched position be considered as 'firing from cover in most stable position' rather than the physical depiction (which is inaccurate anyhow - firing position from cover is prone or kneeling not crouch).  Using that abstraction, restore the MG to its 2.4 settings so that it once again fits the squad automatic weapon role.

A good reference for considerations such as this are miniatures and board game rulesets such as Advanced Squad Leader, Striker, Grunt, etc.  In those, firing from cover position with LMG/SAW is almost always considered to be prone with bipod.