Right....as I am now texturing hte UGV, and I'm gonna naime and export it when I'm done, I figure we need ot break down some basics.
As it is, a UGV only needs 1 frame of animation, since nothing it does actually requres any animation.
Turining? Done by the engine.
Turret? engine.
Death? Hmm.... normally I'd just say you play a nice, big and concealing eplosion effect and remove the model. Works and can be prettified later.
I'd propose a short and simple "fall apart" animation that is played the same tiem as hte explosion effect, and once it's done, the model is replaced with a destroyed model.
Apart from that I really dont' know. I guess I could probably animate the sensor dome to rotate in a loop or something.
And I don't think it's specified how the turrets would be attached (how would the attachment point be determined?)