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Author Topic: Game Bug in Polish language ver.  (Read 2129 times)

Offline Lagi

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Game Bug in Polish language ver.
« on: April 12, 2012, 08:09:18 am »
I play 2.4 UFO:AI on Ubuntu 12.04 x64.
In Polish language version (it doesnt occur in English) I have bug that crashes my game.

1. Start new campaign.
2. Select research                  [PL: badania]
3. Start anyone (assist scientist).
4. Go to employee bookmark     [PL: personel]
5. Click scientist                     [PL: naukowcy]
6. game crashes

However if you first check the employee and scientist without starting any research nothing bad happend. Additionaly if you already start some research and transfer scientist to another base, the crash occur when you try to check scientist list in another base. So it seems that you cannot look at some specyfic scientist. Its quite painful for me now, because I play this game for few days and have to transfer scientist from another base.

As I say before it happend in Polish version. I'am sorry if this is not the right place to post it.


Similar bug occur in English version. Sometimes after some research was in progress  when you click on the scientist bookmark in employee menu, game crashes.

Now, I can't say step by step by what is generating. I have saved game in whith every time when I click scientist bookmark game's crashes.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 08:09:27 am by Lagi »