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Author Topic: Feedback and questions  (Read 3847 times)


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Feedback and questions
« on: October 10, 2006, 05:53:11 pm »
First of all great game. I played around twenty missions and then it was over, though i was under the assumption that this was a full freeware release and i was quite disapointed when that screen game up that you are playing a demo. So the game ends everytime when you have defended the home base or is it when you complete UFO hangar, these happened pretty much the same time for me?
   Another thing i wondered is why my soldiers didn´t gain rank? Only one who did was the squad leader everyone else stayed rookie alltough surviving 15 missions or so?
   Can you build more bases, or is the feature not included in this release?

I had some sound problems (stuttering sound) but I solved by reducing the bitrate (though the setting in this does not save and you have to do it everytime you start playing). Also changing the sound settings caused the game to crash occassionally.
   Changing soldier names did work for the first eight but after that it did not. When I changed the name it changed back after clicking forward. Alltough the name was given to some of the soldiers I haven´t even hired yet.
   I have no idea what is the purpose of medics?
   I have some idea what workers do, but no idea how much you ought to have them, is this explained somewhere?
   Producing your own weapons is more expensive than buying them (or I might just be confused)?
   Aliens use too much that shoot and hide behind the corner tactic. I saw only once that an alien used reaction fire. This makes all the missions pretty much similiat to play.
   I think you should be able to use medikits like reaction fire (if actor gets wounded in square next to other that has medikit in hand.
   Why do some mission briefings say that "you let some of them get away re-equip your squad..." allthough none survived ever (aliens I mean)?
   Can you somehow board you dropship and leave in the middle of the mission (if you notice you are over powered or so)?
   Can aliens survive the mission somehow (there´s that stat when mission ends)? I though the mission only ends when all the alien are killed (or your soldiers).
    I think reaction fire should be more effective. By that I mean that is annoying when you have your squad on defence behind a corner. Then a big bad alien comes and kill´s a few members before others kill it. I think there ought to be an option like "shoot on sight" and the actors would shoot immediatly when thet see an enemy. But I guess that would make the game too easy.
   There should by option to configure hotkeys for action´s like crouch and toggle reaction fire.
   The amount of weapons/items i see as bought in the buy/sell weapons page isn´t equal to what I have in my inventory (when I equip my soldiers).  I was missing some ammo that i´m sure of.
   Does mind stat control how easily my soldiers panic?
   I wasn´t able to figure out what makes my soldiers to attack each other.

All in all I think this will be a greate game. But someone ought  make a comprehensive tutorial where everything is explained. I´m sure that most of my question have answer´s allready here in the forums or elsewhere and I do not expect  them to be answered here either. This is just my feedback having played the game for first times.


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Re: Feedback and questions
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 07:29:54 am »
Quote from: "Vanska"
I played around twenty missions and then it was over,

The game is not finished yet. Calling it "RC5" might be misleading.

Can you build more bases, or is the feature not included in this release?

You can, but as of RC5 it is not useful (bugs, and intercepting ufos does not work)

I have no idea what is the purpose of medics?

The hospital is not finished yet.

I have some idea what workers do,

Bug: the workshop currently can produce items even without workers.

Producing your own weapons is more expensive than buying them
This should be discussed in the design-forum :-)

Why do some mission briefings say that "you let some of them get away
re-equip your squad..." allthough none survived ever (aliens I mean)?

Unfinished bits of the storyline, I suppose

Can you somehow board you dropship and leave in the middle of the mission ?

Option-Button, then "Retry" or "Cancel"

There should by option to configure hotkeys for action´s
like crouch and toggle reaction fire.

See keys.cfg:
Code: [Select]
bind c "standcrouch"
bind x "togglereaction"

The amount of weapons/items i see as bought in the buy/sell weapons page isn´t equal to what I have in my inventory (when I equip my soldiers).  I was missing some ammo that i´m sure of.

One item of ammo gets loaded into the weapon.
I.e. if you have 1 smg and 2 clips, you will see only 1 clip in the inventory.
If a weapon is empty, it is shown in red (e.g. rocketlauncher after each shot).

But someone ought  make a comprehensive tutorial

See "Manual"

And thanks for the feedback !


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Feedback and questions
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2006, 01:45:51 pm »
Thanks for those answers.

Will the game be a freeware?


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Feedback and questions
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2006, 02:42:26 pm »
no, it will be a free game :)
but besides that afaik there are no plans do raise any other money than donations, if at all.
to give a short hint on this "demo" statement within the game. THis has rather few connections to what you might be used to as demos of commercial games. It rather refers to the fact that it is/was a techdemo whichs main reason is to show the potential of the game and to raise awareness. As you have witnessed there is a lot of work to be done until the first real final can be release so any help and skill you might have to offer is welcome.

best regards, Eric.