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Author Topic: Bleeding wounds  (Read 39319 times)

Offline Mattn

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #60 on: May 31, 2012, 04:06:32 pm »,6728.0/topicseen.html

this might be due to the changes on the target abilities (just a guess)

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #61 on: June 11, 2012, 10:25:27 pm »
Ok, I'm done with wound penalties, and almost done with the campaign side of the patch.
Question: Would be worth it to add wounds to automission?

Offline kurja

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #62 on: June 11, 2012, 10:46:33 pm »
imho, no, if it's not quick and easy to do.

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #63 on: June 12, 2012, 08:53:00 am »
Ok, I'm done with wound penalties, and almost done with the campaign side of the patch.

Nice, looking forward to checking this out.


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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #64 on: June 12, 2012, 02:27:33 pm »
Here is my idea for wound system in the game. I'm warning you, my English is not so good and things I want to say are a bit complicated.

Everything deals random damage. Of course not flat random, but something like normal/Gaussian distribution.
I don't know, maybe it is already in the game.

If HP drops to 0 character is unconscious or dying (same effect for the game mechanics). He just lies and can't do nothing, even can't observe the area. Or even if he can, he can't talk, so others soldiers can't see what he sees, so for the game mechanics he can't see.
I really want more unconscious in battles.

If HP drops below -1/2*maxHP character is dead.
Even dead he still should be visible on the soldier list. I hate when I lose a soldier and I don't know or don't remember which one because he is simply evaporated.

When character takes single damage (from weapon etc. not from bleeding) there is a chance for taking a wound.
An example formula:
(after taking damage from every single bullet)
Three things should count: power of damage (it's obvious), maxHP (bigger is less vulnerable)  and current HP (because minor wounds, not taken into account by the game mechanics, can become a "real" wound).

I don't know how damages from explosives weapon should exactly work. It would be good if from one explosing character can take more than one wound.

Type of wounds:
Location - random, let's say: 15% head, 30% torso, 25% legs, 15% right arm, 15% left arm.
Wounds can be: Light or serious (random). Serious = bleeding, character is loosing some random HP each turn.
Effect from location (examples):
Legs - Light: move cost is double. Serious: character can only crouch, move cost is quadruple.
Head - Light: some penatly to overall accuracy, maybe some chance for stun effect (but I don't know nothing about stun in this game). Serious: same but more, maybe automatic stun or unconscious.
Torso - Light/Serious: character loses some amount of TUs.
L/R Arm - Light: using items and weapon costs more TUs, for weapon less accuracy, for items less effect (for example med kit). Serious: character can't use this hand at all.

Medkit - stopping bleeding (x% chances for use).
Drugs - adds some temporary HP (only one effect per battle).
After battle - best medic in team automatically tries to stop bleeding (from most wounded soldiers to least) with bonus for not battle situation and for super medkits in the dropship. Or just blooding is automatically stopped after battle.
Hospitals in bases - heals HP (relatively fast) and makes wounds disappearing (serious to light and light to none). Wounds are healing slower than HP.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 03:50:54 pm by Ajpe »

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #65 on: June 12, 2012, 09:41:06 pm »
<sarcasm>Hmm, yes, Ajpe is right. DarkRain, please rewrite your wound system from scratch.</sarcasm>

Offline Crystan

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2012, 02:53:28 am »
<sarcasm>Hmm, yes, Ajpe is right. DarkRain, please rewrite your wound system from scratch.</sarcasm>


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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #67 on: June 15, 2012, 01:51:42 pm »
LOL I just discovered my "invention" here It's almost the same, written in 2009.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 01:53:49 pm by Ajpe »

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #68 on: June 17, 2012, 06:34:39 pm »
It lives!!!
Ok I'll be play-testing for a while before moving to trying to make thing scriptable (or maybe I just want an excuse to relax and play :) )

In the mean time, what do you want to be scriptable? We have wound threshold, the penalties, the bleeding factor, the chance for each part to be wounded (random for now), maybe something else you can think of?

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #69 on: June 17, 2012, 07:31:28 pm »
So, you've got the wounds system implemented then? What's the status? We can apply your changes before you get things scriptable as well. I want to play with it. :)

I think the three things you listed to make scriptable would all be good. Maybe also make hospital heal speed scriptable?

This may be more ambitious than you want to do, but I'd like a system that allowed me to define each wound location and specify both the type and values of penalty, like this:

Code: [Select]
wound leg
type tu // can be tu, accuracy, reaction, etc.
value 1  // adds 1 TU to each movement, for example (each type different)
threshold 15 // did we decide percentage of HP integer?
bleed 25 // is this a percentage of the wound's initial damage or what?

That way we wouldn't be locked into the existing wound penalty distribution if we decided to change it in the future, add a new type of penalty, etc. Ideally, we could even assign multiple penalty types to one wound type. But only if this gels with your implementation. If it requires a major rewrite of parts of your wound system, then I would say just make scriptable what you can so that we can get it in-game. You can always make improvements or changes at a later stage.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #70 on: June 17, 2012, 09:50:13 pm »
Current status: Playtesting (aka: catching the nastier bugs that creeped in)

The system already allows to assign any combination of penalties to any body part (just not scriptable ATM), in fact it should be simple to have different properties for different species (it would be even not that hard to have completely different bodyparts for different species if that is desirable, but bear in mind that would probably complicate the UI implementation -- that I'm leaving for last till I know exactly what I have to work with)

Also your example has per-location bleeding factor and threshold, I assume you prefer it that way, instead of a general factor for all body parts? (easy to change -- I had planned for that eventuality)

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #71 on: June 17, 2012, 10:37:45 pm »
Also your example has per-location bleeding factor and threshold, I assume you prefer it that way, instead of a general factor for all body parts? (easy to change -- I had planned for that eventuality)
If we can script wounds per-location, then including per-location bleeding factor and threshold would be nice. If we're not going to have per-location scripting in the first stage (which is perfectly fine), then scripting those elements per-location is not necessary.

And also, thanks for making it scriptable on its first-run. I'd like to see more of our development progress implemented with scripting built in from day one.

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #72 on: July 01, 2012, 05:00:02 pm »
Hey, I'm not dead yet,

and my bleeding wounds systems seems to be playable already! Of course there are at least a couple bug left (that I know of anyway)

first: if someone dies or falls unconscious due to bleeding, the victory screen won't show the right numbers for deaths/stuns

second: "ERROR: Game Error: stuns counter out of sync", in fact this one isn't caused by my modifications (you can get this in master, but some slight modifications make it very easy to reproduce it on demand), but they seem to exacerbate the problem

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #73 on: July 01, 2012, 08:18:55 pm »
Hey, I'm not dead yet,

Thats indeed good news.

And even better, you´re still working on this.


Offline DarkRain

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Re: Bleeding wounds
« Reply #74 on: July 15, 2012, 10:40:52 pm »
Hi! I'm back (again)

You can play with the attached patches: there are 15 patches in the attached zip meant to be applied in order, but if you really want to get a single massive patch I can easily provide it

if someone dies or falls unconscious due to bleeding, the victory screen won't show the right numbers for deaths/stuns
I haven't fixed this, the game only keeps count of deaths/stuns caused by shooting, that seems to be by design, but it might need changing, after all if fire fields caused by incendiary weapons are ever enabled to kill things (or if stun gas fields are ever implemented) we'll have the same issue.

Anyway, I'm not completely satisfied with the patch (specially the scripting part), but if you test or take a look at the it feel free to comment.