texture compression
texture resolution cap
anisotropy level
texture lod
image filter
sound mixing rate
texture compression is what the name tells you - this enables texture compression for our upload function - use it if you have little graphic mem (also may redruce texture quality afaik)
anisotropy level to use for GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic feature and use texture parameter GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT
texture resolution cap: set the maximum resolution the card can handle (should be autodetected - but you can also scale it down to improve performance)
texture level-of-detail: use texture environment GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT
image filters: activate the image filters from shaders.ufo - e.g. the emboss mapping (pseudo bump-mapping)
sound mixing rate - this is the khz value the sound is played with 44khz, 22kht and so on
but please don't hurt me if i explained something wrong :-D