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Author Topic: Game close out at completion of 2nd base dropship hanger.  (Read 2539 times)


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Game close out at completion of 2nd base dropship hanger.
« on: October 02, 2006, 03:44:29 am »
I started playing the latest version, UFO:AI 2.0-RC5
I have two bases.  The second base had a dropship hanger built.
Upon completion of the hanger the game closed out and I had the following error on the screen.
I am playing in the windows environment; WindowsXP home edition.
Don't know what else you may need, but if you let me know I can find the file and either e-mail it or write down the info.
Cool game by the way!  :D


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Game close out at completion of 2nd base dropship hanger.
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2006, 06:44:19 am »
Thanks for testing ufo:ai. This bug, and numerous similar bugs involving multiple bases and aircraft, has recently been fixed in the SVN trunk version (which will be applied to 2.0 to become RC6 or 2.0 final eventually).  In the mean-time the only safe workaround is to stick with one base and one dropship (not ideal but the game can still be played and finished using only one base).


  • Guest
Game close out at completion of 2nd base dropship hanger.
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2006, 08:43:51 am »
Just a bit of an update, this also happens if you have multiple bases with Interceptors on the Linux version (perhaps not the same error since it just quit on my without a message).  I'm hoping the ability to choose when you want to buy or sell an aircraft will come soon.