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Author Topic: Soldiers Stats_How do they work?  (Read 4392 times)

Offline cpsogoj

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Soldiers Stats_How do they work?
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:06:27 pm »
Moderators, i am sorry if my question is not new, but i couldnt find anything about it with Search.

My question is: how do stats affect gameplay and how do they work exactly? For example, how does Accuracy stat relat to, Sniper/Assault/Heavy Stats? For what in-game purposes serves the Strenght and Speed stats? etc

Thanks and sorry for my english.

Offline TallTroll

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Re: Soldiers Stats_How do they work?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2011, 06:24:55 pm »
Weapon skill stats and accuracy contribute to weapon accuracy. I can't find the page with the relevant equations on, but rather than calculating a "to hit percentage", the game calculates a Gaussian distribution, and places the shots according to that. One of the bits of the equation is (weapon_skill + accuracy)/200, so a "perfect" shot requires a total of 200 points between the two

Strength does not (yet) do anything, but an item weight / encumberance system is planned for eventual inclusion, I think

Speed affects your TUs per turn

Mind affects Morale, and soldier promotions. It also seems probable that it will be used in the psionics system, when that gets implemeted. It might get renamed though

Offline UFOtonic

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Re: Soldiers Stats_How do they work?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 06:13:03 pm »
Weapon skill stats and accuracy contribute to weapon accuracy. I can't find the page with the relevant equations on, but rather than calculating a "to hit percentage", the game calculates a Gaussian distribution, and places the shots according to that. One of the bits of the equation is (weapon_skill + accuracy)/200, so a "perfect" shot requires a total of 200 points between the two

There are a buch of weapon tables here:

I wonder if the "Precision table" is still valid (last revision: "Correct at 2.2_Jan_11_2008"). Anyway, it can help you to compare weapons.

Check also the last one: "comprehensive weapon table of the development version". There, I assume that the columns "spread" and "crouch" refer to the accuracy when the soldier is standing up and crouching, respectively.

Offline jerm

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Re: Soldiers Stats_How do they work?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 03:26:47 am »
I'm sorry if this seems a little off topic but I was looking through the weapon scripts and I notice the Throwable variable. Shouldn't everything be throwable as in the original UFO? It would also show the extremity Phalanx agents are willing to go defending the Earth.

*Phalanx agent empties a full clip from the Tactical Pistol into the armored Ortnok to no effect. In desperation, he throws the pistol at the Ortnok hoping to at least deal some superficial damage before pulling out his Combat Knife.

If not, at least do it for the lulz of seeing aliens stunned/killed with thrown guns. That is, unless all thrown objects are scripted to explode when thrown.  :P