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Author Topic: Auto Mission button works - But does not resolve mission.  (Read 4347 times)

Offline Endemantis

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Auto Mission button works - But does not resolve mission.
« on: June 20, 2011, 09:26:08 pm »
When I send a team to a battle and press the Auto-Mission button, sometimes I get the sound effect indicating an Auto Mission took place, however nothing actually happens and my dropship drives back to base as if it had completed the mission when the threat is still there.

Usually if I tell the craft to go back and try to auto mission over and over it eventually does work, but sometimes it doesn't want to and I get frustrated and fight the mission myself.

I've noticed that this only seems to happen when a deliberate alien attack lands and occurs on the surface of the planet; it never happens (that is, auto mission works normally) when I attack crashed UFO sites.

I searched the forum to look for a fix, and this was the only article that popped up. It doesn't describe any fixes, but I think these people are having the same issue.
Since the person in this article did not actually provide a save file, I guess I'll attach mine to this post.

I've also noticed that the console gives no indication of the bug other than the fact that it shows world music changing (as it usually should after a mission actually does take place.)

By googling I found an article that makes mention of this as if there were a fix, but I have no clue what these guys are actually saying. I don't know if they're referring to a console command or moving an actual file around.

As a note, I'm running the game on Vista x64 and I just downloaded + installed version 2.3.1 yesterday. Running the game in compatibility mode doesn't affect the bug at all.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 11:19:19 pm by Endemantis »

Offline geever

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Re: Auto Mission button works - But does not resolve mission.
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 10:26:13 pm »

Automission is an unfinished/half-implemented feature in 2.3.x. We're actually reimplementing it for 2.4.


Offline Endemantis

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Re: Auto Mission button works - But does not resolve mission.
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2011, 11:19:51 pm »

Automission is an unfinished/half-implemented feature in 2.3.x. We're actually reimplementing it for 2.4.

Oh well. I guess I'll just have to fight the battles out. Thanks for the help.