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Author Topic: Pace of game  (Read 7396 times)

Offline abel9eb

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Pace of game
« on: May 11, 2011, 05:49:31 pm »
I'm currently playing 2.4-dev IA-32 May 7 2011 WIN32 Debug build 1304573780

I was wondering if it is necessary to shoot down every ufo and investigate every crash site.  At least one ufo is showing up every day, if not more.  I've been going after every one, but this is starting to take a toll on my craft and soldiers.  Finishing research topics is taking really long as well.  I played an earlier build last year and I don't remember seeing this many ufos.

What strategy should I take regarding crash site investigation?  How many ground missions do you all go on every month?  Is there a penalty for not shooting down ufos or investigating crash sites?  It just seems like it is taking me to long to progress in the game.

I've been following this project for some time now and I'm impressed with the progress that has been made.  Usually fan projects like this just fall apart.  Keep up the good work!

Offline Sarin

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Re: Pace of game
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2011, 06:47:59 pm »
There appears to be a phase, and it was as long as I can remember, where after fielding all plasma technology and medium armors by aliens, there is a long pause, where you are allowed a buildup of forces and research while aliens do nothing but slowly increase their activity without any new technology.

For comparison, I am in this phase in my game, half of october first year, and my main (and so far only) team already had over 200 missions, with three soldiers reaching to rank colonel.

Offline Coyote

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Re: Pace of game
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 08:11:38 pm »
I have indeed noticed that alien activity increases to a ridiculous degree after the first month.  I'm near the end of July of the first year, and am currently dealing with around one UFO every day at least, with the gaps occasionally being as short as six hours between incursions.  My combat teams are being worn down by death-of-a-thousand-cuts - they might only sustain one injury every mission, but less than a day later they have to go out and fight again, and take yet another injury before the first one has healed up, etc, etc, etc.  I've lost nine troopers to cumulative damage already.

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Pace of game
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2011, 09:27:06 pm »
A player should have to make choices - whether to fight every mission or just the essential ones, and whether to use Auto-mission and progress at a faster pace, or manually at a slower pace.

You don't have to field a full team of 8, and save game is there if you're really concerned with not taking any losses - which gives players the opportunity to play "hardcore" and never reverse a loss, or "softcore" and just reload the mission if they fail. Or in my case, finally actually lose an auto-played base defense (that had 8 soldiers, well equipped and not injured), reflexively save the game right after hitting "Try Again" (I *think* I hit Try Again - now I'm second-guessing myself if I accidentally pressed "Esc", which I do very often) and then realizing that my base had just gotten destroyed right before I saved.

It should be possible to take losses and build back up and recover. Which it is right now, so kudos to the people who got the game to that point of almost perfect balance.

The major issue for me is that the research feels kinda cool, but then it's a bit haphazard and the "special" missions are kind of random and spread out and without direction - the game tends to stagnate. Or maybe my 2.4 was bugged.

The player really needs to feel that he's working towards a goal, not just building more bases that become more troublesome to remember who has what where. I was at the point last night where I had almost the entire planet's landmass covered by radar, the SAM sites were almost shooting down Harvesters, all research done and ...not much to do since searching for bases had no effect whatsoever.

I would prefer an in-game mechanic that prompts the player to search for a base in that case, or a research thing to uncover it and gradually assault it, just playing in the Geoscape and doing the occasional non-auto-playable random mission month after month gets boring. There needs to be that carrot in addition to the stick of the UFO attacks.

Offline bustead

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Re: Pace of game
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2011, 03:59:46 am »
i am now in may 2nd year and so far i losted 2 or 3 soliders only since i use a slow but safe way to sweep th whole map(use lone range weapons like sniper rifle or laser rifle and move slowly and blast the aliens with the whole teams fire power to hell whenever i see one) and all soliders sticks together like glue(except snipers).This wastes time but this can lower death toll.AND IF YOU CAN NO LONGER HADLE THE SITUATION DO NOT SHOOT DOWN UFOs.Let the teorr missions occour itself.

Offline jerikojerk

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Re: Pace of game
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2011, 01:08:43 am »
well i'm about ufo 500. main level.
i did all the researchs available (i've got the yellow needle gun, not the green yet)
i only shoot down alien when they are coming to near of the dropship (so with stingers no pb )... i only need complete ufo (for AM).
most of the harvester mission have 10 aliens
i've happiness at maximum.
nothing new happens..

Offline jerm

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Re: Pace of game
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2011, 03:26:55 am »
Maybe there needs to be an alien frenzy event like the Megaspawn in XcomApoc. Instead of more alien ships, maybe have more aliens per ship like 25+ in a dropship. Or make the aliens more aggressive at targetting bases.

Offline jerikojerk

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Re: Pace of game
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2011, 07:46:35 pm »
yesterday i saw something that never appear before. A map with 11 aliens. I like the idea of suicide mission where there is a very huge level of aliens... on a small/open map of course.