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Author Topic: Stilettos VS Harvesters  (Read 9066 times)

Offline Tamanfodder

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Stilettos VS Harvesters
« on: April 28, 2011, 01:21:48 pm »
Yes! I know attacking a harvester is a NOGO! But, for what i remember from 2.2, they leave neat wrecks fun to fight in. So i just want to know this: How many Stilettoes are needed to bring down a harvester???? Theese stilettoes would be epguipped with shiva, 2x sparrowhawks, armor, ECM and targetting computer. It has been too long since i saw a flaming wreck of a harvester!

Offline Sarin

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 02:03:59 pm »
Wait till you have crafts based on alien tech, they can go one on one with harvesters.

Offline Kobura

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2011, 01:27:08 pm »
I save before they get into range and use three of described gear. It's not every time but it isn't NOT every time either.

Also one idea for you, try sending out one Stiletto a bit ahead of the rest (I called mine Stiletto Wild Weasel but since stopped going this route) with two ECM instead of a targeting computer. They'll get shot at (and missed) while the others do the real tangoing.

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2011, 02:25:32 am »
So, playing on Insane difficulty, is it even worth sending out Stilettos early on?

I can't tell what they're attacking, other than that there's two different speeds and a different graphic, but I'm losing Stilettos left and right, even with Poly Armour and 2x ECM.

Offline Sarin

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2011, 02:33:10 am »
First playthrough on insane difficulty? No wonder you have problems...

Stilettos are more capable than saracens, but they are slower and have lower range, just ignore harvesters (triangular UFO, speed 1110 km/h), send solo crafts on scouts (770 km/h), and doubleteam fighters (880 km/h, look almost like scouts)

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2011, 02:59:24 am »
I've beaten all the previous X-Com type games and Chaos Gate (except that one whatsitcalled with the horribly different graphics) all on the highest difficulty setting without ever going lower. More fun if it's a challenge, but hitting a brick wall when you think you're playing well... meh. I was hoping the difficulty would be more in the tactical game.

Thanks for the tips. I'll put it in my newbie guide.

Offline Sarin

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2011, 03:41:13 am »
To be honest, so far UFO AI is not that much about tac combat...especially alien AI needs some improvements. I found that knowledge of the game is more important than tactical thinking...

Offline Edi

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2011, 10:07:01 pm »
A single stiletto vs a harvester is mincemeat, but two of them can bring one down without losses even on very hard difficulty with standard gear (wing-mounted Sparrowhawks and Shivas on the nose). The thing is, more likely than not you will lose one or both if you engage head-on and need to get to Shiva range, but if a harvester flies close enough to your base that you can pop two stilettos at it from point blank range, it will come down hard.

Offline ViolentAJ

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2011, 02:31:42 am »
I only send Stilettos out solo against scouts, supply ships, and damaged fighters until I get particle beam weapons. A Stiletto armed with Particle beam weapons can go head to head solo against fighters and win. Against harvesters, I tend to send two Saracens armed with particle beams or two dragons armed with particle beams. The last interceptor (the one that completely looks like an alien ship) armed with three particle beams is a beast. I send them solo against harvesters.

Offline bustead

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Re: Stilettos VS Harvesters
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2011, 04:02:30 am »
in order to have no loss in aircrafts i used 8.Later i found out 5-6 is enough to kill 1 harvaster(but remember to use rotary cannon)