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Author Topic: [Low priority] React fire camera vertical level setting option.  (Read 1789 times)

Offline parjlarsson

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Mining map crash. We've all seen it a bunch of times. You set your guys to react fire up on the hill and the stupids - i.e., aliens - come walking into your field of fire. BAM. Camera cuts to your guy firing up top, then cuts down several vertical levels and zooms to aliens getting the sparkly tracers treatment.

I just hope there'll some day be a checkbox to click that lets the camera stay at the level of the shooter for the entire process instead of immediately cutting down to the vertical level of the target. Small thing, I know. But it would increase the visual cohesiveness of the map and make it seem a bit less of an abstract 3D layered 1990s computer simulation, and more concrete and real.

I'm sure coding that camera movement wasn't easy, but this shouldn't be a massive huge thing, at least. Then again, I'll take easily in-game reconfigurable keyboard shortcuts over this any day. (I used ESDF as my movement keys for 5 years of WoW - how often do you think I accidentally press "E" every day? I know you can modify the files, and I will, eventually...)