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Author Topic: About the bolter rifle.  (Read 2204 times)

Offline Tamanfodder

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About the bolter rifle.
« on: May 19, 2011, 01:52:28 pm »
I started thinking about this weapon a while ago...  And thought, what is it's biggest flaw besides horriffic accuracy (which can be fixed by using expirienced troopper)  And it is obwiously it's the low ammo capacity and large size  of magazines. Then i remembered, that the bolters rails are exposed out of the barrel a little, and then it hit me! It can be used as a powerful melee weapon! Pring the rails into contact with an alien and let the current flow through the rails into alien and back to rails (or maybe contact with just one rail so the alien will be the ground??) This would save ammo, and nerves as you donĀ“t hawe to mess with inventory to get the rather useless butterknife out! It could be limited to just few charges along with the ammo (as the batteries aren't unlimited in power supply) What do you think?