Only UFOpedia entries and storyline text (in general the very long texts) go in the wiki and I don't think there are thousands of entries in it, the rest, (mostly UI related) goes only in the .po file
To be honest, what I focused was just the UI/Gameplay related items only. I am not interest in some very common or nonessential entries at all since most people won't care about that except gameplay, agree?
you maybe were not aware but it's been that way for a long time now (maybe since the begining?)
So will you consider some necessary improvements if they make you much more convenient in progression?
the chance of your hard work being overwrited in the future is real
This is not at all to me, I just do it for fun and see where I can reach. (Which I think that is same to most of you)
Creating a new section should not be that hard once the wiki works again
The problem I encountered was, I couldn't find any button or link that added a new section in the wiki. Even it existed, I didn't think I would do something that could be easily accomplished by a marco or script, in short.
I could give it a look when/if I have the time and things are working again if no one else does
Then forget about it because it may not be simple.
P.S. I am just a rookie of UFOAI, so I am new and fresh. Hence, DR, please don't tell me to do some procedures that cannot be easily understanded or executed.