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Author Topic: Not enough aliens?  (Read 1849 times)


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Not enough aliens?
« on: September 25, 2006, 12:57:52 am »
Love what you guys are doing, great game, but was there a hiring freeze in the evil alien invaders union?

I started a mission earlier thismorning, and there were literally no aliens there.  I cannot recall the location name, but it was the same level as was the second mission, playing on 'very easy' mode [was seeing what the difference in the difficulties were].

They didn't even take a turn, which is another reason i was certain that there were none of them. [typically it says 'team 7's turn starting', which wasn't displayed].  As further confirmation, upon aborting the mission [which wouldn't end, and I couldn't figure out how to terminate it successfully], it even said that there were no aliens at the site, yet presented me with a defeat.

This is likely already documented, but I couldn't find it upon searching your forums.

On the same note, there was a point atwhich the aliens just stopped making new missions, allowing me hundreds of consecutive days to research to my hearts content.

Wish I had it running in debug through my ide at the time, I'd try to give you all more information : /

Seriously though, its obviously a work in progress, but this thing is neato

*edit* rc4, winXP