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???Up stairs in the alien ships???

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There are many more that can and will help you :)
It's just that at *this* time of the day I'm almost the only one around ;)

Did you manage to compile the map ?
I'd suggest you play a little skirmish +tropic and see if you can enter the 2nd floor of the harvester...

I truely cant find any file named harvester.bsp  :'(


--- Quote from: EazY on September 14, 2010, 11:15:43 pm ---C:\Program Files\UFOAI-2.3\base\maps\tropic\

--- End quote ---

That's the map file you need to replace, and when you run ufoai from the cmd line, follow the steps Duke said, but I added something in bold to the cmd:

--- Quote from: Duke on September 14, 2010, 11:45:38 pm ---Ok, here is a zip of the harvester.
- unpack it (you make backups, don't you ?)
- delete the harvester.bsp
- open a cmd.exe
- change to c:\ufoai
- type ufo2map maps/tropic/ (note the slash here !)

--- End quote ---

Well it seemed to compile

However th second screenshot proves otherwise. their is no blue square letting me know i can enter that room

I just checked the 2.4 map and it seems alright there. Try compiling the attached .map file instead. I'm having mattn check if it needs to be merged to 2.3.1. I've lost track of all the harvester changes now...


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