May be wrong topic, but...
Downloaded 2.3.1 from playdeb. Installation went just fine. Game ran with music w/o problems.
Copied the saves from 2.3.0/win32.
The saves loaded perfectly also.
But! Any crashed UFO or terror site offers me all three choices (sorry for back-translation from Russian): "landing", "auto" and "cancel". Even if crash occurs near my base. And any attempt to land returns me to geoscape instead of loading proper map and starting tactical mission. Auto-battles always won, but they give no loot :-)
Saving and re-loading, restarting game, rebooting PC gave no results.
Copied the linux-made saves back to windows, loaded them in 2.3.0/win and continued normal game with tacticals.
What is this? Playdeb's compilation fault?
Also, could not defeat extremely low framerate: <5 on geoscape. In "text" windows (bases, email, stats) f/r is normal: 20+
Video settings were set exactly after windows' version ones.
env: Lucid/32 (latest updates on 14:00GMT 27.09.10), GNOME, m/b iD865PERL, Celeron 2.4GHz, v/c Nvidia GeForce 6200/AGP, w/m Compiz (no Emerald themes)