I fear I have not fully understood that concept. Please elaborate on that. TUs are TUs.
Well english is not my first lenguage... I'll try to explain what I meant
The idea was to add a property to the objectdef (the TU penalty) for some items like heavy weapons that will increase the amount of TUs the actor needs to move, thus reducing his/her mobility (will spend more TUs for moving) but won't affect TUs given at the start of the turn, unlike encumbrance the other concept introduced wich will cut TUs given to the actor at the start of the turn based on strenght to weight of the items (also a new property) ratio
Looking at the diff, I'd like to see your concept (as I understand it) better encapsulated in some GetTUsAvailableForMovement() further down the call tree.
As I said this is not near finished yet, I'm open to sugestions
edit: maybe an example will help to explain: apply the attached diff over the one in the first post and
TU penalty: equiping the Combat Armour or the Rocket Launcher will cause a soldier to use 3 TU per square when walking and 4 when crouch walking (equiping both should cause them to use 4 and 6)
Encumbrance: equiping both the Combat Armour and the Rocket Launcher may cause (depending on strenght) the soldier to start the turn with less TUs than normal (maybe even 0 that part is still half done)